Student's entering the US Committee




General 大体状况
The speaking section measures the test taker ’ s ability to speak in academic environment. Test takers are evaluated on the overall ability to communicate, to speak clearly and coherently, and demonstrate understanding of the material. Test takers would be asked to answer six questions by speaking into the microphone. The first two questions are about topics familiar to the test taker. These are called “Independent Speaking Tasks ” . In the remaining four questions, test takers use more than one skill. These are called “ Integrated Tasks ” . In these tasks, test takes listen or read & listen and response. For each of the six questions, the test takers would be given a short period of time to prepare response
Independent Tasks独立任务
1、 Personal Preference
This question asks the test taker to express and defend a personal choice from a given category – for example, important people or places, or events or activities that the test taker enjoys.
Preparation Time: 15 seconds
Response Time: 45 seconds
2、 Choice
This question asks the test taker to make and defend a personal choice between two contrasting behaviors or courses of action.
Preparation Time: 15 seconds
Response Time: 45 seconds
1、第一题 要求考生针对给出的题目,说出并解释自己的选择。例如:考生认为重要的人或地点,又或是事件及活动。
2、第二题 要求考生从两个截然相反的行为或过程中,明确并解释自己的选择。
Integrated Tasks综合任务 – Read/Listen/Speak 读听说
3、 Campus Situation Topic:
Fit and Explain
l A read passage (75-100 words) presents a campus-related issue
l A listening passage (60-80 seconds, 150-180 words) comments on the issue in the reading
l The question asks the test taker to summarize the speaker ’ s opinion within the context of the reading passage.
Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
4、 Academic Course Topic:
l A reading passage (75-100 words) broadly defines a term, process, or idea from an academic subject
l An excerpt from a lecture (60-90 seconds; 150-220 words) provides examples and specific information to illustrate the term, process, or idea from the reading passage
l The question asks the test taker to combine and convey important information from the reading passage and the lecture.
Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
1、第三题 阅读部分讨论了与校园有关的问题;听力部分对阅读的内容进行了评论;题目要求考生对给定的文章,概括说话人的观点。
2、第四题 阅读部分在学术领域内宽泛地定义了一个概念、过程或是过程;一段演讲对此给出了范例或具体的细节;题目要求考生结合阅读和听力部分转述重要信息。
Integrated Tasks综合任务 – Listen / Speak 听说
5、 Campus Situation Topic:
Problem / Solution
l The listening passage (60-90 seconds, 180-220 words) is a conversation about a student-related problem and two possible solutions
l The question asks the test taker to demonstrate understanding of the problem and to express an opinion about solving the problem.
Preparation Time: 20 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
6、 Academic Course Topic:
l The listening passage is an excerpt from a lecture (90-120 seconds; 230-280 words) that explains a term or concept and gives concrete examples to illustrate it.
l The question asks the test taker to summarize the lecture and demonstrate an understanding of how the examples relate to the overall topic.
Preparation Time: 20 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
1、第五题 听力部分是一段关于与学生有关的问题及两个建议;题目要求考生证明对问题的理解,以及阐述对于解决这个问题的看法。
2、第六题 听力部分是一段演讲。它解释了一个术语或者概念,并且给出了具体的例子;题目要求考生对课堂内容进行总结,并且阐述例子是如何与主题相关的。
Rating of Speaking Responses关于评分
The responses to all Speaking tasks are digitally recorded and sent to ETS’s Online Scoring Network. The responses from each test taker are scored by at least three different human raters. In addition, some of the tasks are scored by two raters in order to check the reliability of the ratings. The response for each task is rated on a scale of 0 to 4 according to the standards (rubrics). The average of all six ratings is converted to a scaled score of 0 to 30.
Raters evaluate the test taker’s ability in topic development, delivery, and language use. For topic development, raters consider whether the test taker has addressed the task and conveyed relevant information. They also consider whether the test taker has effectively synthesized and summarized the information in the integrated tasks. Raters evaluate if the delivery of the response is clear and smooth, and whether the delivery is consistent throughout the response for overall intelligibility. Lastly, raters evaluate the range and accuracy of the test taker’s vocabulary and grammar.
Speaking Rubric Mean Average
Scaled Score
Speaking Rubric Mean Average
Scaled Score

6 - 0
Performance on the Speaking sections of the TOEFL iBT test is evaluated based on scoring rubrics of 0 to 4 for each of the six Speaking tasks. The tables above show how the mean average rubric score of six speaking tasks are converted to a scaled score of 0 to 30.
TOEFL iBT考试的口语部分成绩将会根据6个口语试题由0到4分的标准计算。上图展示了6道口语试题的标准平均分(0到4分之间)是如何换算成另一种分值(0到30之间)的过程。
General Description
Language Use
Topic Development
The response fulfills the demands of the task, with at most minor lapses in completeness. It is highly intelligible and exhibits sustained, coherent discourse. A response at this level is characterized by all of the following:
Generally well-paced flow (fluid expression). Speech is clear. It may include minor lapses, or minor difficulties with pronunciation or intonation patterns, which do not affect overall intelligibility.
R esponse demonstrates effective use of grammar and vocabulary. It exhibits a fairly high degree of automaticity with good control of basic and complex structures (as appropriate). Some minor (or systematic) errors are noticeable but do not obscure meaning.
Response is sustained and sufficient to the task. It is generally well developed and coherent; relationships between ideas are clear (or clear progression of ideas).
The response addresses the task appropriately, but may fall short of being fully developed. It is generally intelligible and coherent, with some fluidity of expression, though it exhibits some noticeable lapses in the expression of ideas. A response at this level is characterized by at least two of the following:
Speech is generally clear, with some fluidity of expression, though minor difficulties with pronunciation, intonation, or pacing are noticeable and may require listener effort at times (though overall intelligibility is not significantly affected).
The response demonstrates fairly automatic and effective use of grammar and vocabulary, and fairly coherent expression of relevant ideas. Response may exhibit some imprecise or inaccurate use of vocabulary or grammatical structures or be somewhat limited in the range of structures used. This may affect overall fluency, but it does not seriously interfere with the communication of the message.
Response is mostly coherent and sustained and conveys relevant ideas/information. Overall development is somewhat limited, usually lacks elaboration or specificity. Relationships between ideas may at times not be immediately clear.
The response addresses the task, but development of the topic is limited. It contains intelligible speech, although problems with delivery and/or overall coherence occur; meaning may be obscured in places. A response at this level is characterized by at least two of the following:
Speech is basically intelligible, though listener effort is needed because of unclear articulation, awkward intonation, or choppy rhythm/pace; meaning may be obscured in places.
The response demonstrates limited range and control of grammar and vocabulary. These limitations often prevent full expression of ideas. For the most part, only basic sentence structures are used successfully and spoken with fluidity. Structures and vocabulary may express mainly simple (short) and/or general propositions, with simple or unclear connections made among them (serial listing, conjunction, juxtaposition).
The response is connected to the task, though the number of ideas presented or the development of ideas is limited. Mostly basic ideas are expressed with limited elaboration (details and support). At times relevant substance may be vaguely expressed or repetitious. Connections of ideas may be unclear.
The response is very limited in content and/or coherence or is only minimally connected to the task, or speech is largely unintelligible. A response at this level is characterized by at least two of the following:
Consistent pronunciation, stress, and intonation difficulties cause considerable listener effort; delivery is choppy, fragmented, or telegraphic; frequent pauses and hesitations.
Range and control of grammar and vocabulary severely limit (or prevent) expression of ideas and connections among ideas. Some low-level responses may rely heavily on practiced or formulaic expressions.
Limited relevant content is expressed. The response generally lacks substance beyond expression of very basic ideas. Speaker may be unable to sustain speech to complete the task and may rely heavily on repetition of the prompt.
Speaker makes no attempt to respond OR response is unrelated to the topic.
General Description
Language Use
Topic Development
The response fulfills the demands of the task, with at most minor lapses in completeness. It is highly intelligible and exhibits sustained, coherent discourse. A response at this level is characterized by all of the following:
Speech is generally clear, fluid, and sustained. It may include minor lapses or minor difficulties with pronunciation or intonation. Pace may vary at times as the speaker attempts to recall information. Overall intelligibility remains high.
The response demonstrates good control of basic and complex grammatical structures that allow for coherent, efficient (automatic) expression of relevant ideas. Contains generally effective word choice. Though some minor (or systematic) errors or imprecise use may be noticeable, they do not require listener effort (o r obscure meaning).
The response presents a clear progression of ideas and conveys the relevant information required by the task. It includes appropriate detail, though it may have minor errors or minor omissions.
The response addresses the task appropriately, but may fall short of being fully developed. It is generally intelligible and coherent, with some fluidity of expression, though it exhibits some noticeable lapses in the expression of ideas. A response at this level is characterized by at least two of the following:
Speech is generally clear, with some fluidity of expression, but it exhibits minor difficulties with pronunciation, intonation, or pacing and may require some listener effort at times. Overall intelligibility remains good, however.
The response demonstrates fairly automatic and effective use of grammar and vocabulary, and fairly coherent expression of relevant ideas. Response may exhibit some imprecise or inaccurate use of vocabulary or grammatical structures or be somewhat limited in the range of structures used. This may affect overall fluency, but it does not seriously interfere with the communication of the message.
The response is sustained and conveys relevant information required by the task. However, it exhibits some incompleteness, inaccuracy, lack of specificity with respect to content, or choppiness in the progression of ideas.
The response is connected to the task, though it may be missing some relevant information or contain inaccuracies. It contains some intelligible speech, but at times problems with intelligibility and/or overall coherence may obscure meaning. A response at this level is characterized by at least two of the following:
Speech is clear at times, though it exhibits problems with pronunciation, intonation, or pacing and so may require significant listener effort. Speech may not be sustained at a consistent level throughout. Problems with intelligibility may obscure meaning in places (but not throughout).
The response is limited in the range and control of vocabulary and grammar demonstrated (some complex structures may be used, but typically contain errors). This results in limited or vague expression of relevant ideas and imprecise or inaccurate connections. Automaticity of expression may only be evident at the phrasal level.
The response conveys some relevant information but is clearly incomplete or inaccurate. It is incomplete if it omits key ideas, makes vague reference to key ideas, or demonstrates limited development of important information. An inaccurate response demonstrates misunderstanding of key ideas from the stimulus. Typically, ideas expressed may not be well connected or cohesive so that familiarity with the stimulus is necessary to follow what is being discussed.
The response is very limited in content or coherence or is only minimally connected to the task. Speech may be largely unintelligible. A response at this level is characterized by at least two of the following:
Consistent pronunciation and intonation problems cause considerable listener effort and frequently obscure meaning. Delivery is choppy, fragmented, or telegraphic. Speech contains frequent pauses and hesitations.
Range and control of grammar and vocabulary severely limit (or prevent) expression of ideas and connections among ideas. Some very low-level responses may rely on isolated words or short utterances to communicate ideas.
The response fails to provide much relevant content. Ideas that are expressed are often inaccurate, limited to vague utterances, or repetitions (including repetition of prompt).
Speaker makes no attempt to respond OR response is unrelated to the topic.
TOEFL iBT需要考生怎样的“口语语言能力”
1、 指出讨论的事物 e.g. What I want to talk about is something I’ ve known.
2、 评价事物的特点 e.g. It ’ s so adj. for somebody to do something.
3、 说明理由的数量 e.g. There ’ re two reasons why I think it adj.
4、 阐述理由主题句 e.g. It ’ s a good way for somebody to do something
5、 补充具体支持句 e.g. For example, we learn something we didn ’ t used to understand.
e.g. such as to do something, to do something or to do something
1、表明自己的喜好 e.g. I prefer the former to the latter.
2、同第一题 3、4、5
3、可适当增加比较 e.g. It ’ s a good way for something to have more chance of doing something.
e.g. It ’ s clear that more something will be given to somebody.
1、 同第一题 1、3、4、5、
1、 同第一题 1、3、4、5
2、 描述过程和关系 e.g. First of all, one thing is associated with another..
e.g. Next, one thing has a strong link to another.
e.g. Finally, one thing has a drastic effect on another.
1、 描述问题的能力 e.g. What they talked about is something, which is bothering somebody at the moment.
2、 描述建议和方案 e.g. Somebody suggests that somebody should do something.
e.g. somebody advices somebody to do something
3、 提出建议和方案 e.g. I think somebody had better do something if somebody wants to work it out.
4、 同第一题3、4
1、 同第一题3、4、5
2、 同第五题1
3、 同第四题2
信号词 : 能够帮助听众更好地了解谈话内容,以及信息的体系和结构。 “ For example ” 是说话人通常使用的信号短语。
● “There are three reasons why ...”
● “First ... Second ... Third ...”
● “What I want to talk about is ...”
● “And most important, ...”
● “A major development ...”
● “Why it was so important ...”
The instructor may signal supporting details with phrases such as:
● “On the other hand ...”
● “Last time ...”
● “On the contrary ...”
● “For example, ...”
● “Just like ...”
● “Similarly, ...”
● “In contrast, ...”
● “Also, ...”
● “So ...”
● “And in fact, ...”
● “Further, ...”
● “A term for ...”
● “Furthermore, ...”
● “As an example, ...”
● “For instance, ...”
● “But ...”
The instructor may signal conclusion or summary with:
● “Therefore, ...”
● “In conclusion, ...”
● “In other words, ...”
● “As a result, ...”
● “Finally, ...”
● “In summary, ...”
● “From this we see that ...”
The speaker may signal important information very directly with:
● “Now this is important ...”
● “The thing about ...”
● “Remember that ...”
● “The important idea is that ...”
First Sight 初见题目
For question 1 and 2, you will speak in response to a question about a familiar topic. Use your own personal knowledge and experience to answer each question. After you hear the question, you have 15 seconds to prepare your response an d45 seconds to speak.
Question 1 (15 + 45 seconds)
What game do you enjoy playing? Describe the game, and explain why you like to play it. Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Response1:
(Please note that this is just one very good example out of many possible approaches)
Right. I ’ d like to play PC game – Magic and Mighty when I ’ m available. The game is a role-play PC game, telling a story like that: a king with his troop is trying to defeat all of his enemies, ruling the whole kingdom. There ’ re two reasons I like it. First of all, it ’ s a nice way for me to have a fun. When I played it and succeeded in defeating enemies, I felt so excited. Another is I can make a lot of friends who have the same interests as me in the game. That ’ s why we sometimes chat about it.
Question 2 (15 + 45 seconds)
Some people drive their own car to school or work. Others ride a bus, train, or other form of public transportation. Which do you think is better and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Response2:
(Please note that this is just one very good example out of many possible approaches)
Actually I prefer driving my car to riding bus. There ’ re two reasons why I think it is good. First of all, it ’ s a good way for me to arrive at school in time . Last time when I rode a bus, the traffic accident took place between the bus and another car. That ’ s why I was late for the school, having to say apology to my lecturer. If I had ridden my own car, that wouldn ’ t happen on me. Another is I ’ m so proud of my car, so that I ’ d like to show it up to my friends and classmates. I guess it must be so cool.
Question 3 (30 + 60 seconds)
In this question, you will read a shot passage about a campus situation, listen to a conversation, and then speak in response to a question about what you have read and heard. After you hear the question, you have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Reading Time – 45 seconds
Distance Education Courses
Distance education courses at Valley Community College are regularly scheduled classes that must be completed by the end of the quarter. All online courses are taught by college faculty in conjunction with the related academic departments. Students will be required to participate in a “ virtual classroom ” online, conduct research , and complete assignments. Students must have daily access to a personal computer with word processing software and connection to the Internet. Students should expect to spend approximately 12-15 hours a week for any online course.
Tape Script
M: I wanna take astronomy next quarter, and I was thinking of registering for the online course.
W: Have you ever taken an online course before?
M : No. But I have a computer, and it seems fairly easy to take a course this way.
W: Let me just point out a couple of things. First, you have to be able to learn on your own, mainly by reading. So you have to be self-motivated. There are a few online lectures, but mainly you have to read the information on a computer. You also have to keep up with a schedule, just as in any other class. So unless you ’ re self-motivated, online courses are generally not a good idea. In fact, there ’ s fairly high dropout rate for online courses.
M: Hmmm. I didn ’ t know that. It seems like it would be so easy because you don ’ t have to be in class at t specific time.
W: Believe it or not, the main reason that students drop out is they miss going to class. They miss the face-to-fact contact with the professor. So, if interacting with the professor and other students is important to you, then you should consider taking a regular classroom course.
The adviser expresses her opinion about online courses. State her opinion and explain the reasons why gives for holding that opinion.
Sample Response3:
(Please note that this is just one very good example out of many possible approaches)
What a student and advisor talked about the “ Distance Education Course ” . From the conversation, I learn the adviser think the student should take a regular classroom course instead of the online course. There ’ s a main reason why she thinks so. Students are required to participate in a “ virtual classroom ” online, conduct research and complete assignments , as well as must have daily access and spend 12-15 hours a week for any online course, so that it ’ s not a good idea if students are not self-motivated or miss the face-to-face contact with the professor or classmates. But in fact the student doesn’t’ want to have a class at a specific time. That ’ s why she thinks like that.
Question 4 (30 + 60 seconds)
In this question, you will read a short passage on academic subject , listen to a lecture on the same topic, and then speak in response to a question about what you have read and heard. After you hear the question, you have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Reading Time – 45 seconds
Culture consists of the beliefs, values, rituals, texts, and symbols of a society. An important element of culture is the rules – or norms – that regulate behavior and maintain social order. Some norms tell us how we should behave . For example, obey authority and treat others with respect. Some norms are traditions or customs , such as clothing styles. Other norms cover matters of morality , such as courtship behavior or showing respect to ancestors. The most essential norms cover activities that are central to the well being of the whole society ; these rules are established as laws, both written and unwritten.
Tape script
Now listen to part of a talk in a business class
When you think about it, corporation s have all the familiar elements of other types of culture. Corporations have values, norms, rituals, symbols and so forth. As in any society , these things define the whole group.
Corporate culture gives the meaning to the daily activities of the company. The company logo and colors are like the flag of any nation. In a lot of corporations, your tank is signified by the suit you wear and the size and location of your office. Corporations have rituals, like the employee picnic or the executive fishing trip. These rituals bring people together to celebrate corporate unity. These are also corporate texts, such as the sayings of the founder or president.
Generally speaking, well-established companies have traditional corporate cultures. For example, new employees may learn the company song or may wear the corporate uniform of dark suit, white shirt, and striped tie. Business hours are standard and office conduct is formal.
In contrast, many new technology firms have a very informally culture. Employees go to work in blue jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers. They may come and go at will; they may bring their pets to work. In informal cultures like this, there are often no fixed traditions to follow.
Explain how corporations are similar to any other culture, and explain how corporate culture varies in different companies.
Sample Response4:
(Please note that this is just one very good example out of many possible approaches)
From the reading paragraph and listening excerpt, the main topic is corporation culture. First of all, corporations are similar to any other culture. First of all, as we know, corporations have values, norms, rituals, symbols and things like that. For example, company logo and colors are like the flag of any nation; corporations have rituals like the employee picnic; there ’ re corporate texts such as the saying. Another is well-established companies have tradition such as clothing. In contrast, new technology firms have different culture. There ’ re no fixed traditions to follow. As an example, employee may come or go at will or bring their pets to work. In a word, most of corporations like other culture follow traditions, while new trade has something different from the norm.
Question 5 ( 20 + 60 seconds )
In this question, you will listen to a conversation. You will then be asked to talk about the information in the conversation and to give your opinion about the ideas presented. After you hear the question, you have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Tape script
Now listen to a conversation between two students.
W: Hi, Jim. How is it going this quarter?
M: Well, to be honest, no very well. I just got my geology test back and I ’ m afraid my grade was not good. I ’ m disappointed too, because I like the professor and the class.
W: Oh. What would it help if you got a tutor?
M: I don ’ t know. The main problem is I don ’ t have enough time to study. My boss ’ s asked me to work more hours at my job, and that leaves me less time for geology.
W: Oh, I see. Well, what if you quit your job?
M: I can ’ t afford to do that.
W: But maybe you could look for a different job, here on campus. The campus jobs are posted in the Career Center.
M: Well, maybe … if I could find a job that pays as well as the one I have . I just wish I had more time to study. I need to pass my geology course.
W: You know … you could drop the class now and take it again next quarter. You already have the textbook, and you could read ahead on your own.
M: Well, I need to do something fast because I can ’ t fail the course.
Describe the man ’ s problem and the suggestions the woman makes about how to solve it. What do you think the man should do, and why?
Sample Response5:
(Please note that this is just one very good example out of many possible approaches)
From the talk between a woman and a man, I learn the man just got something wrong with his geology feedback. So, the woman made some suggestions to him. First of all, she advised him to ask the help of a tutor, but the man said the main problem was his boss asked him to work more hours, so that he had little time on geology study . After that, she suggested him to quit the job or drop out the course , but the man was afraid to afford to do so. In the end, the woman hoped him to read ahead and work harder for next-quarter exam.
Actually if I were the man, I would like to study instead of doing more work for his part-time job, because nothing is more important for a student to pass the exam, getting the credits.
Question 6 (20 + 60 seconds)
In this question, you will listen to part of a lecture. You will then be asked to summarize important information from the lecture. After you hear the question, you have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Tape Script
Now listen to part of a lecture in a marine biology class.
Ocean scientists study several physical properties of water, including transparency – or water clarity – and color. Clear water indicates an absence of particles suspended in the water that would affect the ability of light to pass through it. Water clarity determines how much plant growth there may be in an ocean region. Plant growth usually depends on how deep the sunlight will reach: the clearer the water is, the deeper the water will penetrate.
The color of seawater varies a lot from place to place. For example, the water of the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic Ocean is a deep indigo blue, while a similar current in the Pacific off Japan is called the Black Stream because of the very dark color of its water. Along many coasts, the water is green. The green color is a mixture of blue – due to the scattering of sunlight in the water – and the soluble yellow pigment associated with phytoplankton, the floating plant life.
In some places, the water is brown or brownish red. Brown or brownish red water gets its color from large quantities of certain types of microscopic brown algae. Brown algae are common along temperate coasts, where the water is cool. Their brown color comes from the brown pigments they contain. A bucket of water scooped from the surface of the sea may contain millions of microscopic brown algae.
In tropical or subtropical regions, various shades of blue are common. The blue color results from the scattering of sunlight by tiny particles suspended in the water, or by molecules of the water itself. Blue light has a short wave length, and because of this, blue light is more readily distributed than light of longer wavelengths. Therefore, the ocean appears blue for the same reason that the sky does.
Using points and examples from the lecture, explain why some ocean water is clear and why some water is a certain color.
Sample Response6:
(Please note that this is just one very good example out of many possible approaches)
From the listening excerpt, we can understand that the lecture is in terms of the reasons why some ocean water is clear and a certain color. In the lecture, some good points and examples can be found. Water clarity determines how much plant growth there may be in an ocean region. Plant growth usually depends on how deep the sunlight will reach: the clearer the water is, the light will penetrate.
The color of seawater varies a lot from place to place. Some water is green because of a mixture of blue light from scattered sunlight and yellow pigment from the floating plant life; the water is brown or brownish-red because there ’ s a large quantity of brown algae that contain brown pigment; some water is blue because there are some tiny particles scattering in the water.
一、 第一题(范围、范例和语言及真题回顾)
1 、 范围
4.Job 工作
2、 范例及语言讲解
What is the most interesting class you have ever taken? Explain the aspects of the class that made it interesting. Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer 1:
Well , what I ’ d like to talk about is a fascinating class I ’ ve ever hit . Actually it ’ s a sweet swimming class, one of PE in my high school, coz it ’ s so different from what I used to take. You know , first of all , it ’ s held in a swimming pool but not regular classrooms. I ’ m really into somewhere relaxing. Besides , I learnt how to take a breaststroke. Not quite a lot of skills, but they ’ re enough to have a fun . In the end, we played water polo, which ’ s so great.
1. Well 表示 “ Yeah ” 。很多西方人在发言时喜欢用这种方式打开话题。
2. What I wanna talk about is … = What I want to talk about is … 主语从句 - 提出主题
3. fascinating = interesting常用替换词
4. hit = take在今天的美国口语当中hit替代take是一种常见现象。如hit a shower淋浴
5. Actually一种西方式的“口头禅”
6. sweet美国人口中表示“good”的常用词
7. coz = because口语中常用
8. It ’ s so different from what I used to do.与我过去所作的事情有很大区别
9. You know口语中常用
10. First of all首先
11. I ’ m really into … 我很喜欢 …
12. Besides = Also替代and的作用,表示“而且”
13. Be enough to do … 足够作某事
14. have a fun找乐子
Sample Answer 2 :
Believe it or not , I still keep my first Internet class in mind so far, coz it ’ s so fantastic . You know, I got to know the wonderful service couples of years ago, when I was a high school student. It ’ s really sweet for me to feel how exciting the technology is. In the class, I learnt how to connect to the Internet, browse the website, compose my email and download pictures. I used to be surprised about all of stuffs I have tried, with kind of curiosity. That ’ s why I ’ d like to say it. By the way, the teacher is absolutely a pro in computer, coz he could work out any problem we found out .
1. Believe it or not“信不信由你”,表示引起别人的注意
2. keep … in mind = remember记住
3. fantastic 美国人用来描述“好”的另一种说法
4. couples of = several几个
5. It ’ s + adj. + for sb. to do sth.描述原因的好句子
6. compose the email 固定搭配“写邮件”
7. used to do = did 过去式的另一种表达
8. That ’ s why … = So“因此”,但更为口语化
9. I ’ d like to … 表示一种“想象”
10. pro= professionals典型的美式英语
11. work out the problem“解决问题”常见口语搭配
12. find out the problem“发现问题”常见口语搭配
What is your favorite subject? Explain the aspects of the subject you like the best. Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
Apparently my favorite subject is mathematics. Believed it or not, I ’ m most interested in working out math questions. First of all, it ’ s a nice subject for me to develop a kind of thinking way. In the past, I used to be ill organized . I mean I couldn ’ t make something in order. But, I started to do something well organized after I made good use of methods. That ’ s not all. Math as a subject has brought me a lot of awards and praise. I sometimes attend some contest of it and have a good result, so that I feel it offers me a lot of confidence and sense of honor.
1. Apparently类似于“actually”的一种口头语
2. be most interested in表示“非常喜欢”,一种典型的正式语言
3. ill organized & well organized前者表示“乱七八糟的”;后者表示“井井有条的”
4. That ’ s not all.常用的表示“除此以外”
3 、 经典练习
1、最喜欢的学校 (9月)
What is the impressive school you have attended? Explain the aspects of the school that made it impressive. Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
Well, what I wanna talk about is my college. I’ve lived and studied there for nearly four years since I went first. Actually that’s a good place to study. First of all, there’s a quite useful resource available. My college had the largest library in Beijing, where I can find out any reference books I’d use. And next, there’re regular lecturers by scholars held in the evenings or at weekends. It’s a very good way for me to understand how science goes on and what the most advanced concept is. That’s why I appreciate my university.

2、希望做的工作 (7月)
Describe the job / career you wish to pursue? Explain the aspects of the job that made you interested. Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
Apparently, I’d like to mainly go for the job with teaching. I’ve had the idea since I was in high school. At that moment, my chemistry teacher left me a good impression, so that I’d love to be the person like him. You know, he’s very professional in chemistry and good at teaching students. All of my peers liked him very much. Besides another reason why I think so is that I’ll be able to continue to stay at school. I like the sense of school and I prefer to work for the school. It’s a good place to motivate me to study something more on my own or from other professors or lecturers.

二、 第二题(范围、范例和语言及真题回顾)
1、 范围
1. Teaching Method 教学方法
3. Tutor-Learner Ties 师生关系
Choice of Education
2. Teaching Contents 教学内容
4. Different Education Ways 教育方式
2、 范例及语言讲解
Some people like group study, while others prefer studying on their own. Which way do you think is more effective and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
To tell you the truth , I’d prefer group study to studying on one’s own, actually. You know, there’re couples of reasons why I do think so , such as my personal story, things like that . Of these, the most important one is that it’s a fantastic way for the guys who’re suffering something hard with their study to work it out as soon as possible . Mind you , last time when I was stuck in a tough math question and there’s not much going on , I had to turn to my partner, who helped a lot with the cures.
1、 To tell you the truth “老实说”,常见口头禅
2、 I’d prefer (A) to (B) 最为实用的表示“与 … 相比,更愿意做某事”的句型结构
3、 There’re couples of reasons why I do think so. “有很多原因让我这样认为”,常用语
4、 Thinks like that. “等等”,替代写作中的 and so on 或者 and so forth
5、 The most important one is that… 强调重点。与3形成一种 Normal à Special 的完美逻辑
6、 It’s a (adj.) way for (sb.) to do (sth.). 常用表示原因的句型结构
7、 Suffer something hard with 表示“遇到了关于 … 的困难”
8、 Work out “解决”,替换大多数中国人口中的 solve the problem.
9、 as soon as possible 在写作中常用 ASAP 表示。最经常表示及时和快速
10、 Mind you “不瞒你说”,常用语言连接词
11、 Last time when…,… 重点句型,表示“例如”来说明过去的经历
12、 There’s not much going on. 非常口语化,表示“无事可做”或“无能为力”
13、 Turn to 表示“向 … 求助”
14、 Help a lot with 表示“帮了很大忙做某事”
3、 经典练习
1、网络教学 VS. 传统教学
Some people like to take online course, while others prefer regular class given in classroom. Which way do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
I’d prefer taking traditional class given in classroom to online course. Actually I have tried an online course about English, but I’ m afraid it didn ’ t work very well. You know, I couldn ’ t have a fix time to have the class. So, I ’ m used to taking a regular class. It ’ s a good way to force me to have classes and have a fact-to-fact contact with professors. The more important thing is that I can have classmates, who will be able to do me a favor in my academic stuffs and teach me how to communicate with someone else.
In some schools sports is considered as a subject, but it is not in others. Do you think if it should be and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
I ’ d suppose that sport is a really important subject to be listed in the timetable of school. Actually in most Chinese schools it is available for all students. According to my previous experience, there ’ re a couple of reasons why I think so. First, it ’ s a good way to enable students to have physical exercises, which is absolutely good for their health. For example, some students have got pain on their back or neck, because they sit in the chair for long. If they can leave it starting to do outdoor activities, it ’ s much better to relieve their pain. Also, it ’ s easy for students to have a break after academic classes.
3、大班制 VS. 小班制
Some people like to take a big class, while others prefer a small class. Which one do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
Well, I ’ d prefer taking a small class to a big one. You know, there ’ re a couple of reasons why I enjoy it. In the first place, it ’ s a good way to have a close contact with professors or lecturers. They will be able to give me a chance to ask some personal questions and have a close discussion with them. Last time when I attended a small class, I had a useful talk with the teacher and learn a lot more than usual. B ut, there’s a drawback and that is, it is not good for me to make more friends.

4、长假期 VS. 几个短假期
Some people like to take a long vacation, but others prefer several vacations in a year. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
Well, I would prefer taking a long vacation to several short one s . For me, it’s common to enjoy the way. The first cause I should mention is that it’s a good way for me to arrange a long journey. You know, I’m really into getting around at home or abroad, so that I wish to spend more days on holiday. Last time I spent almost three weeks on traveling in Hong Kong, where I had a nice break and made a lot of friends. Another is that long holiday can give me enough rest.

Some people think higher education is only available to part of people, but others think it should be open to all people. What do you think and why? Include details and examples in your explanation
Sample Answer:
Apparently I suppose that higher education should be open to all people. It’s a good for the society itself. Actually Japan is a very case – when almost every student had a chance to accept higher education, the quality of people in the nation as a whole had a remarkable rise. Another very important reason is that it’s good news for those who wish to go into college or university, reaching their goal of learning a lot. China has a lot of people sticking out the school. If higher education can give them offer and financial support, they’ll be able to fulfill their dream.

6、课堂学习 VS. 自学 
Some people like to study in class, while others prefer studying on their own. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:

I think that the class is the best place to study for me. You know, there’s some reason I should mention. I’m the kind of person who is not self-motivated, so that it’s impossible for me to study on my own, I suppose. According to my previous experience, I could do it very well in the class, rather than on my own. Last time when I prepared for a test at home, I couldn’t concentrate on what I should do, but watched TV and surfed on Internet all the time. That’s why I think it is a nice way for me to study in a class.

In some schools music is considered as a subject, but it is not in others. Do you think if it should be and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:

I full believe that it is a good idea to take music as a subject. First, a lot of people will do something they’d love to do, especially for those who are crazy about all kinds of music like rock, jazz and classical music. Actually a lot of students are looking forward to studying more knowledge in music in an academic way or from experts. Mind you, I’m a typical. Besides, it’s also good for the development of music. More people will understand the music and the culture as well. Probably more future composers or artists will come out.

Some people like leading a group in a class, but others like following others. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:

As far as I am concerned, it is a good idea to lead a group instead of following someone else. The main reason I want to mention is that it ’ s a nice chance to develop my leadership, which will be able to help with running my own business some day. As we all see, most of successful people have such a quality, like Michael Jordan, the most excellent basketball athlete in the history of NBA. Last time when I worked as a team leader, I learnt a lot such as how to put my mind across someone else and how to cope with something unexpected.

我认为在一个组里领导别人而非跟从他人是个好主意。其主要的原因在于这是一个开发自己领导能力的好机会。这种能力将会对我将来运作自己的生意很帮助。众所周知,很多成功人士都具有这种品质。比如:NBA 历史 巨星麦克 • 乔丹就是具有这样品质的人。上次因我做了组长,故而学了很多东西,比如:如何与他人交流和处理意外事件。
一、 第一题(范围、范例和语言及真题回顾)
1 、 范围
4.Public Services
City & Town
5. Festivals
3.Food & Snacks
2、 范例及语言讲解
Describe a city or town where you have lived. Explain why this place is either a good place or not a good place to live. Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer 1:
Well, what I ’ d like to talk about is the city – Kun Ming. Actually, last time when I had days off , my friends and I was getting around for couples of days. To be honest, it ’ s a pretty nice place I ’ ve been to. You know, we found a lot of delicious stuffs such as dumplings , rice noodles with chicken soup and smoked beacons. That ’ s not all. Unlike megacities, it ’ s uncommon for us to be stuck in a lot of traffic . I mean the road is in a good condition. By the way, the local people hold a welcome attitude towards guests . That ’ s why we spent a pleasant time anyway.
1. have days off 表示“休假几天”
2. my friends and I + 单数动词 语法规则,虽然看似复数,但仍接单数动词
3. get around表示“旅游”,意思同travel,但更为口语化
4. dumplings表示“团子”。大多数错认为dumplings就是饺子。实则Chinese dumplings才是饺子的真正名称
5. be stuck in 表示“遇到、碰到”
6. a lot of traffic表示“交通堵塞”。中国考生喜欢使用traffic jam,而a lot of traffic 或heavy traffic是更为常用的口语方式
7. Somebody hold a + adj. + attitude towards + somebody 很实用的句型,表示“人们对于什么的看法或者观点”
Sample Answer 2:
Well, what I have to say is the town – Wu Tong. Actually last time when I was on holiday, my friends and I was getting around for a couple of days. To tell you the truth , it ’ s the worse place I ’ ve been to. You know, we found little historic places and sightseeing except shabby and dangerous old houses. That ’ s not all. It ’ s uninteresting for us to buy local produces in an open market due to cheating ways. By the way, it ’ s common for the local people to gamble instead of labor or business.
1. To tell you the truth表示“老实说”
2. open market自由市场
3. due to表示“因为”,其后跟名词或动名词。
4. instead of表示“而不是”,常用来表示两者的比较
Describe an event such as a holiday or other occasion that you enjoy celebrating. Explain why event is significant to you. Include details and examples to support your explanation.
Sample Answer :
The festival I should mention is “Spring Festival”, a typical Chinese one. It’s common for Chinese people to celebrate it on 1 st day of Chinese New Year. It’s the day when a family’s used to celebrating round and there’re a lot of activities going on . It’s an important day for me, because I can have a great party where my brothers and sisters chat and have a big meal. You know, it’s not easy for us to do so other days. By the way, seniors in a family are used to offering a red pack with money to offspring who can buy something they want.
1. It’s common for sb. to do sth. 常用句型,表示某些人常常做某事。
2. It’s the day when… 常用句型,用来描述某个节日
3. There’re…going on. 表示“有很多东西存在”
4. be used to doing sth. 表示“习惯于作某事”
5. a red pack with money 表示“红包”
6. offspring 表示“子孙后代”,但一定没有加 s 的形式。
3 、 经典练习
1、印象深刻的庆典或公共事件 ( 2005 年 11-12月)
What is the impressive celebration or public events you have attended? Explain the aspects of the celebration or public events that made it impressive. Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
Well, what I’ d love to mention is “ Dragon Boat Festival ” I have attended. It ’ s the day when Chinese people commemorate a national hero, Chow Yen, who threw himself into the river drowned to death in protest against the corrupt government over 2,000 years ago. On the day it ’ s very traditional to have a dragon boat race in a river, and make a traditional Chinese food, dumplings made of rice, beans and meats. The most interesting thing is the race. Last time when I watched the game, I sensed so amazed. You know, all of teams worked very hard and audiences were so excited. It ’ s a really great experience. By the way, the dumpling tastes very good.

我想要说说曾经经历的“端午节”。这是一个中国人为了纪念民族英雄屈原而有的节日。在两千多年前,屈原先生为了向腐败的政府抗议而投湖自尽。在那个节日上人们通常举行龙舟赛,并且制作传统的中国食物-由米、豆子 和肉制成的粽子。最有意思的是比赛。上次当我观看比赛的时候,我感到非常的惊讶。所有的参赛队伍都非常努力而且观众非常兴奋。这可真是一次伟大的经历。而且粽子的味道实在不错。
2、 城市中你最喜欢的地点或和朋友去的地点(2006年1月)
Describe a place you like the best in your city. Explain why you like it. Include details and examples to support your explanation.
Sample Answer:
Well, in the city the place I do love to be in is Beijing Botanic Garden so far. You know, it ’ s a really wonderful place to get around, meet friends and think about something. Every time when I feel so upset or depressed, I ’ d love to take my friends there. I could talk to them about what problems I was stuck in and ask them how I should do. Coz I think a good place can make me relaxed and be quite easy for me to speak something tough out. Actually it ’ s really effective.
3、 国家中最高效的交通运输(2006年4月)
Describe the most efficient transportation in your country . Explain why it is the most efficient . Include details and examples to support your explanation.
Sample Answer:
Well, I wanna say something about “ air transportation” in China. According to my previous experience, it is absolutely the most efficient transportation I have tried. The first time I took aircraft was when I flied to Cheng Du City, Si Chuan Province nearly decade ago. Actually it took me no more than 3 hours from Beijing to Cheng Du airport. By contrast, if I had taken a train, it would have taken me over a day or longer. That ’ s why I think air transport should be the most efficient transportation in my country.
4、 近一百年最重要的发明(2006年4月)
Describe the most important invention in recent 100 years. Explain why it is the most important. Include details and examples to support your explanation.
Sample Answer:
What I wanna talk about is the computers. Actually I ’ m sure it ’ s worth the most important invention in recent 100 years. You know, there ’ re two reasons why I think so. First of all, it ’ s something that ’ s changed the people ’ s lifestyle. In the past, people used to work on paper like writing a letter or things like that. But today it ’ s common for most of people to work on computers. Second of all, I find it fascinating to play tons of computer games. They ’ re really amazing and I can ’ t live without them so far.
5、 在国家里的一项受欢迎的活动(2006年6月)
Describe a popular activity in your country such as sports, game or activity Explain why it is so popular. Include details and examples to support your explanation.
Sample Answer:
Well, let me introduce a very interesting activity named “ Who is super girl ” . Actually it ’ s quite popular especially among tons of girls, who are still studying at school or college. The most important reason why it ’ s getting hot is that it ’ s a good opportunity for those who do love performance to show their talent in singing or dancing. In the competition, it is possible for a girl to be a candidate. If winning over someone else, she ’ ll be the superstar and has a lot of fans. It ’ s said that thousands of girls have attended it.
6、 居住地中最喜欢的地方(2006年7月)
Describe your favorite area in the city you are living in. Explain why it is your favorite. Include details and examples to support your explanation.
Sample Answer:
Actually I’m most interested “Lotus Market” in Beijing. It normally takes me no more than 20 minutes to arrive from my home by car or taxi. The most important reason I like is that there are some great bars, where it’s great for me to meet my old friends or some native guys. To be honest, it’s kind of relaxing when I chat to my pals. Well, it’s so exciting for me to talk with strangers in English. Believe it or not, every time I go there, I must come across some interesting guys, who enjoy understanding something about China from me.
7、 离家时最想念的东西(2006年10月)
When you are away from home, what do you miss the most? Explain why you miss it the most . Include details and examples to support your explanation.
Sample Answer:
Actually, several years ago when I was studying in UK, I felt so homesick anyway. At the moment, the dishes my mom made was really something I missed so much. It’s no exaggeration to say that I even tried to persuade my mom to post some to me, but it’s impossible for the customs to allow people to do so. Besides, every time when I tried dishes in China town of UK, the feeling I had gotta be stronger. You know, compared to what my mom cooked, it’s just sort of nothing. I would rather eat at home trying my mom’s cooking then.
二、 第二题(范围、范例和语言及真题回顾)
1、 范围
1. Living Standard 生活水准
3.Urban Issues城市问题
Choice of City or Town
2.Cultrual Context文化环境
4.Development-Oriented 发展问题
2、 范例及语言讲解
Some people like their vacation in the city. Others prefer spending their vacation in the countryside. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer 1:
Of the two choices I prefer being on holiday in the countryside to being in the city. There ’ re a couple of reasons why I think it is good. First of all, it ’ s so easy for me to enjoy something different such as clean air. You know, I used to live in a city full of air pollution. If I live in countryside, I ’ m gonna be far away from it. Next, I ’ m sick and tired of busy life and really into a relaxing lifestyle, so that it’ s good for me to spend vacation in countryside instead of city.
1、 Of the two choices… 是一种表达“ one of the two choices ”简单的方式
2、 gonna… 等于 going to ,常见口语表达。表示“将要”
3、 be sick and tired of… 是由 be sick of 和 be tired of 组成,表示“非常讨厌”
4、 be into… 表示“喜欢”
Sample Answer 2:
Of the two choices, I prefer the vacation in the city. I ’ ve got a couple of reasons why I think like that. Above all, it ’ s so easy for me to enjoy something different such as modern civilization like art. You know, I used to live in the countryside short of art. If I live in the city, I ’ m about to be close to it. Next, I ’ m sick and tired of lazy life and really into a busy life, so that it ’ s good for me to spend vacation in the city instead of countryside.
3、 经典练习
In some places a mobile phone is not allowed to use . Do you think if it should be and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
Actually, I suppose it’s really important to prohibit people using their mobile phones everywhere. What I mean it’s a good idea to limit the places mobile phones are used in. The most important reason why I think it necessary is that to use mobile phones are very dangerous or risky in some places like airplanes, hospitals and things like that. It’s said the radio signals mobile phones emit certainly interrupt the regular radio between the controllers and airplane. It’s very dangerous for the airplane to take off or land safely.
Some people think that Government should sponsor the establishment of museum or theater, but others don’t think so. What’s your opinion and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
Some people might think so, but I don’t. There’re a couple of reasons for my point of view. Firstly, for government to sponsor a museum or theater is a nice way for the average citizens to enjoy more public facilities benefiting from the building of all of these. I would like to prove to it using Chinese government’s action. Since last year, it has been sponsoring many museums and theaters for 2008 Olympic games. It’s said Chinese people will visit them in the end of the year or next year. I’m sure they’ll learn a lot from those services the place provides. I’m also looking forward to seeing all of them.
Some people like eating at home. However, others prefer to eat out. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
Compared to eating out, I’d prefer eating at home. There’re a couple of reasons why I do think so. The first reason I’d mention is that to eat at home is a nice way for me to enjoy home-made dishes while chatting to my friends about any topic we’d want to say including private stuffs. I used to treat my friends at home. Guess what? They’re really into the sweet and sour pork I cooked. A second reason is I find it fascinating to cook on my own. It’s absolutely kind of art.
Some students like studying in a big city, but others prefer doing in a small town. Which way do you like and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
As far as I am concerned, to study in a small town would be the best choice. Actually I have had the experience alike. Several years ago, I collected my Master’s degree at the University of York, England. That’s a quiet and tidy small town, where I spent a nice campus life with my friends and classmates. You know, I’m the kind of person who does love silence, so that I could concentrate myself on study. Another reason is the living expenses in a small town are lower than that of a large city. For a student with limited budget, nothing’s more important than reasonable living standard.
With friends, some people like being at home, but others prefer going to a restaurant or café. Which way do you think be and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
When friends come to visit me, I would like to meet them in a café. There’re a couple of reasons for my bet. For one thing, to be in a café is the best way for us to chat while tasting delicious snacks. As my pals used to call on me, I would treat them sandwiches, coffee and things like that at Starbucks Coffee. Apart from it, what I wanna say is it might not be so convenient if I didn’t know the friends very well. I’ve heard some guy stole the money of another guy who just made friends with at home. So I guess it might be an easy way to be with them at public area like café.
Some people like working at home, but others prefer doing in their workplace. Which places do you like working in and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
If I were the man concerned, I would like to work in my workplace, where I could meet my workmates and boss. You know, mainly I’m afraid I could not concentrate myself on my work if I was working at home. It’s true there might be a lot of things to diverse my attention like TV, radio, computer and Internet, with which I would enjoy the way of relaxation instead of boring work or things like that. Actually I have tried to write a book at home, but I haven’t got any progress since the first day when I started up. That’s why I’m sure the best place I should work for is the workplace but nowhere else.
一、 第一题(范围、范例和语言及真题回顾)
1 、 范围
1. Family member
4. Celebrity
2. Friend
5. New person
3. Teacher
无论描述什么样的人,以“性格”为核心都是有效地描述手段。这也是绝大多数 TOEFL iBT 题目的出题方式。同时,考生也应该习惯对事实来补充说明性格特征。相反的,诸如外貌的描述、工作经历、教育背景等因素则显得不太重要。
2、 范例及语言讲解
Describe a person who has influenced you. Explain how he influenced you . Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer :
Let ’ s have a small talk about the person, Mr. . Wang. I still remember the first time when I ran into him, I was taking the class in a big lecture, capable of around 100 students. Believe it or not, I really admire his character. I mean. He ’ s the kind of person who ‘ s responsible for someone else. For example, once I was completing a report in English, but I was not so good at English writing at all . That ’ s why I turned to him, looking forward to something polished . He answered me, and said to spend a whole night to work it out . I’d like to be the person like him.
1. He’s the kind of person who’s responsible for someone else. 是一个描述人性格的句型
2. be good at 表示“擅长 … ”
3. turn to… 等同于 ask the help of 表示“向 … 求助”
4. look forward to sth. 表示“期待做某事”
5. polish 表示“被推敲的”
6. work out 相当于 solve 表示“解决”
Describe the characteristics your friend has got. Explain why the characteristic is significant . Include details and examples to support your explanation.
Sample Answer :
I’d love to say something about the guy, Mr. Chang . There ’ re a bunch of stories taking place between us, but some of them made me so moved as well. He ’ s the person who is so perseverant no matter how hard the problem is. I still remember once he helped a lot with the money-raising for the foundation of the nursing house in community, but some neighbors didn ’ t give a hand at the beginning. Guess what? He didn ’ t stop until he got enough . When the nursing house was built up, he was awarded a prize.
1. He’s the person who is so perseverant. 描述一个人“持之以恒”。
2. give a hand 表示“帮忙”;要与 give one’s hand “嫁给谁”区别。
3. not…until 常用的句型,表示“直到 … 才 … ”
3 、 经典练习
What do you think is a character of a good teacher ? Explain why the character is necessary for a good teacher . Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
I suppose that a good teacher should be the person who is so easy-going. Actually my math teacher in a high school is the kind of person. There ’ s a main reason why a good teacher must have this. When teachers are easy going, they ’ ll get along well with their students. It might be true they ’ ll learn a lot more if students like their teacher. To prove it, in my school most of students had good grade in math and like studying mathematics very much. By the way, the character makes it possible for teachers to communicate and collaborate with others much better.
Describe the character of a person whom you admire? Explain why the character of the person is impressive. Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
The person I wanna talk about is Mr. Lee, who is one of my friends in my college. The first time when I met him I just attended basketball association. He ’ s also the member and good at playing basketball . He ’ s the kind of person who is so courageous that I really admire him, to be honest. I remember once we made competition with another team, but they ’ re so powerful and strong. So our team felt a bit nervous. In the case, Mr. Lee still worked so hard and encouraged us to go on. Finally we won the game and Mr. Lee was believed as VIP at that game. So far I still remember the great game.
Describe the character of your friend and include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
I ’ d love to talk about Miss Chang. We ’ ve been good friends since we ’ re kids, because we used to live in a community. She ’ s the kind of person who is so kind to small animals no matter what it is. There ’ re some poor cats dropped by their owners, living in my community. Especially in winter, they don ’ t have enough food and water. Once I passed by the central park, I saw her take several bags of food to feed those poor life. From that moment on, I found she ’ s so kind and generous. It’s a really great character I ’ ve realized.
What do you think are the characteristics of a good parent? Explain why the characteristics are necessary for a good parent. Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
According to my experience, an excellent parent should have good responsibility. The most important reason is that he or she will certainly maintain a good family. Actually my dad is the kind of person who has a good responsibility. Several years ago my dad got a good chance of following his career overseas, but he had told my mom he would take good care of me , because she was busy with her project. Guess what? He rejected the opportunity and stayed with us. Since then I have been with the idea – to be a responsible man like him.
二、 第二题(范围、范例和语言及真题回顾)
1、 范围
3. To live with与谁住
2.Old-age Boom老龄化
4. Family 家庭问题
2、 范例及语言讲解
Which one acts more influence on you, newspaper, TV or teachers, and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer :
Compared to media such as newspapers and TV programs, teachers play much more important role in my life. F or one thing, to chat to teachers might be the best way to obtain the answer to what I’ve asked. Last time I was wondering how to study spoken English more effectively. When I asked the help of my English teacher, he gave me a good advice of practice much more and lent me a useful textbook of original edition. Obviously papers and TV programs can’t provide things like that. Certainly, it’s regular to learn something on papers and TV programs as the second choice.
1. To play a role in sth. 表示“起 … 什么样的角色”
2. For one thing, 相当于First of all,表示“首先”
3. I was wondering how to … 表示“我想知道如何做某事 … ”
4. more effectively 表示“更成功”
5. It ’ s regular to do sth. 表示“某事 … 非常普遍”
3、 经典练习
Some people like living alone, but others prefer living with their roommates . Which way do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
Generally speaking, I would prefer living with roommates, who can get along well with me. The main reason why I do think so is that to live with them is a nice way to develop my communication skills and problem solving. Several years ago when I lived with 7 roommates in an apartment building, I spent a nice campus life with them. On holiday we even hanged out together; in the evenings we sometimes drank beer and chatted to each other. It ’ s a really nice time I ’ ve spent, so that I ’ m still remembering it very clearly so far. Certainly, I don ’ t mind staying alone at times.
Some people think old people should be sent to nursing house, but others believe that their children should take good care of them at home. Which way do you like and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
I suppose it ’ s a sensible way to send senior citizens to nursing house, which can provide a lot of professional services like accommodation and things like that. It ’ s true that most of old people who are living in nursing house at the moment are so satisfied with the services available for them. Besides, tons of TV reports also prove to it. In contrast, if they live with children, they tend to take good care of their own, because their children go out for work on a regular basis. Certainly, they can feel so happy with their offspring, but they should have more and better care.
Some people like living in an extended family, but others prefer living in small family. Which way do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
As far as I am concerned, to live in an extended family should be a better way. There ’ re a couple of reasons for my idea. What I wanna say first is that it ’ s a sweet way for me to learn how to get along with families. When I live in an extended family, I ’ ll have more chance to talk with my families. As you might know, my parents are always working out, so that it ’ s not so easy for me to talk to them about what I ha ve experienced and though of. In the case, to talk to other families might be the most reasonable alternatives. Next, when I was stuck in some troubles, there ’ re more people to consult with and turn to. You know, to listen to more people ’ s suggestions is always rational.
Some people think grade is more important for their children, but others believe personality is the more important. Which do you think is more important to children and why? I nclude details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
Personally, personality might be more important in children education, compared to grade. First of all, a very important reason is that personality will influence children in all walk of their life, but grade might only be temporary or momentary. From this point, I ’ m sure to develop personality for children are far essential than something else. In my family, when I failed in a test or examination, my parents always encouraged me to be strong in my mind and struggle for something tough. So I ’ m the person who never “ Gives up ” simply. So far, I really benefit a lot from my personality. Besides, I fully believe that it ’ s the way to guarantee my success some day.
一、 第一题(范围、范例和语言及真题回顾)
1 、 范围
5. Animals动物
无论描述什么样的喜好,以“原因”为核心都是有效地描述手段。这也是绝大多数 TOEFL iBT 题目的出题方式。同时,考生也应该习惯从不同角度来说明原因。要特别注意用一些相关事实证明原因。
2、 范例及语言讲解
Describe the best movie you have watched. Explain why do you like it. Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
The greatest movie I have watched is “ Mummies Return ” , which describes a story in Egypt. Generally speaking it ’ s got a bit science and fantasy, but horror as well. There ’ re several reasons why I do love it. For one thing, it ’ s a nice way for me to enjoy the exotic feeling. Actually the first time when I heard of tons of Egyptian legends, I was attracted by its culture. In the movie, there ’ re a lot of great things such as Sphinx and Pyramids. One more thing is that the movie has got an unbelievable soundtrack, shots and things like that, thanks to a powerful group of producers.
1. One more thing is that… 表示“另外 … ”
2. soundtrack 表示“电影原声音乐”
3. shots 表示“画面”
4. Thanks to … 表示“由于 … ”,后接名词或动名词
Describe a hobby you have in your spare time. Explain why you like it. Include details and examples to support your explanation.
Sample Answer:
What I prefer is playing basketball with my pals, when I’m available. Actually it brings me a lot of funs. There’re two reasons why I do enjoy the way. First of all, to play basketball is a nice way to make more new friends and develop friendship. Believe it or not, I’m the kind of person who is so introvert , so that it’s so hard for me to get close to new people. On the other hand , in the basketball court for my hobby, I gotta learn to get along well with strangers, and I did it very well. Second of all, to do so is a great way to keep me fit. At the moment, I still keep the nice shape.
1. introvert 表示“内向”,反义词是outgoing,表示“外向”
2. On the other hand 表示“但是”,通常用于“对比”
3. get along well with 表示“与 … 相处融洽”
3 、 经典练习
Describe a useful book you have ever read. Explain why do you think is useful to you. Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
I have read a book named “ The greatest salesperson in the world ” . I do remember how I got to know it. At that moment, I was working as a part-time salesman for a food and beverage company. My supervisor asked me to read the useful book and said it ’ s positive for me to understand how to sell products very effectively. Actually after reading it I have learned a lot indeed. You know, there ’ re a bunch of helpful theory as well as practical cases. What I have read provided me with the knowledge of sale skills and helped me to work very well. Actually I became top one salesman in the activity. Overall, to read book is a very practical way to learn something I need.
我曾经读过一本叫做“世界上最伟大的推销员”的书。我还记得我是如何知道这本书的。 当时我正在一家食品饮料厂作兼职推销员。我的主管向我推荐了这一本有用的书,并告诉我这本书有利于我了解如何更好的销售产品。事实上,在读过之后我真的学到了很多东西。这本书里有很多有用的理论和案例,而且我所学到的东西不但增长了我在销售方面的知识,而且还帮助我解决了很多实际问题。这也是我在那次活动中获得第一名的原因。总的来讲,读书是满足需求的最有用的方法。
Describe a magazine, novel or poem you have ever read? Explain why you like or dislike it. Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
What magazine I have read is “ Men ’ s health ” . It ’ s the kind of magazine that includes a lot of fitness knowledge. The first time I read it was when I was just joining a fitness club. At that moment I needed a lot of good suggestions of how to keep fit and shape my body more effectively. To be honest, what I am most interested in is the column – “ how to arrange three meals one day ” . You know, I ’ m busy working or studying all the time, so that my dietary is not so good. After learning something useful, I had a lot of good knowledge of how to eat. Believe it or not, the skills are really useful indeed. Generally speaking, to read the magazine is a nice way to teach me how to make a living more healthily . As you might see, a good health is the key to success in future career.
Describe a book you think is interesting. Explain why it ’ s interesting. Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
An interesting book I have read is “Totem of wolves ” . It ’ s said the author of the book had worked in Inner Mongolia of China for many years. To be honest, Mongolia had been a wonderful place where people get on with wild animals including dangerous wolves. The reason why I think on the book as unique is that it has changed my attitude towards wolves. They was supposed to be so dangerous or the enemy of people living in the plain. But from the point of the book, the author told me they actually were teaching people how to make a living and some strategies. In order to survive, people and wolves must learn how to get on. There ’ re a lot of stories showing how smart the wolves are. Believe it or not, in my mind the wolves are not so disgusting as I used to consider.
Describe a comedy, musical, stage story you have ever watched? Explain why you like or dislike it. Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:
The comedy I wanna talk about is “Home Alone”. Actually it’s by chance for me to watch it. Last time I called on my friend, who just rented a DVD of “Home Alone” from a video shop and asked me to watch together. It’s absolutely fascinating one I have seen. In the first place, what interested me the most was that the story. It tells how a smart young guy helps the police to arrest two burglars. The story was supposed to be very dangerous, but actually it’s so funny, because the young child played a trick with the two men. When I watched it I couldn’t help laughing to tears. A second reason is that the movie is shot in USA. It’s really good for me to understand a kind of culture in USA from one side.
二、 第二题(范围、范例和语言及真题回顾)
1、 范围
Which ways那种方式
2、 范例及语言讲解

Sample Answer:
1. T
3、 经典练习
Some people think TV plays a positive role in modern society, but others believe it does a negative role. What ’ s your opinion ? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:

Some people like indoor activities in their spare time, but others prefer outdoor activities. What do you think and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:

To get ready research, some people like using Internet, but others prefer doing academic book or journal. What do you like and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample Answer:


Sample Answer:

一、 介绍
l 在听完“题目指南”的语音提示后,考生首先需要在45秒钟内,读完一篇大约在75到100字的文章。文章的内容是一个与校园生活有关的问题
l 接下来,文章在屏幕上消失并不在“重现”。此时,考生将会听到历时60到80秒,大约在150到180字的一段听力内容。内容是基于阅读所述问题的评论。同时,屏幕上会展示视频场景。
l 在口语部分,问题将会要求考生根据阅读上下文总结某人对其问题的态度。
二、 阅读重点及技巧展示
从第三道题开始,考生需要通过阅读、听力来获取谈话的信息,并通过自己的语言进行转述来回答问题。根据笔者的经验,由于大多数的TOEFL iBT考生比较不擅长用听力获取信息,因此阅读部分的内容在理解谈话主题方面就显得尤为重要了。
Announcement From the President
The university has decided to increase tuition fees for all students by approximately 8% next semester. For the past 5 years, the tuition and fees have remained the same, but it is necessary to increase them now for several reasons. The university has much more students than we had five years ago, and we must hire additional professors to teach these students. We have also made a new commitment to research and technology, and will be renovating and upgrading our laboratory facilities to better meet our students ’ needs.
第一、 标题以及第一句话帮助读者充分认识问题。特别关注句子中“主谓”结构可以提高阅读效率并准确把握大意。
通过Announcement和The University has decided to increase tuition fees,读者大体可以判断问题是“提高学费”的问题。
第二、 根据一般的逻辑推断,当问题出现时人们需要了解其“前因”及“后果”。也就是这件事背后的“意义”或“影响”。当然无论是积极的还是消极的都需要关注。此外,对于形容词要特别敏感,因为他们通常是表明“态度”的词。
通过but it is necessary … ;The University has much more students … ;we must hire additional professors … ;we have made a new commitment to research … ;we will be upgrading facilities … ;读者可以发现这些形容词说明了“增加学费”的原因。分别是:学生多了,需要更多的教授,新的研究计划以及升级设施。
第三、 当然在考生的Notes上面的文字并不需要这样多,可不可能有时间让考生将这些内容完整的抄录在纸上。因此,笔者建议考生记录下这些重要的形容词是非常有效的方法。具体方式因人而异。如:
Issue问题: more fees
Cause原因: more student, professor; new research; better facilities needed
Effect影响: not available
第四、 考生可以带着自己对阅读部分的理解,进入到下一部分 - 听力单元
三、 听力重点及技巧展示
Now listen to two students as they discuss the announcement.
Man: Oh great! Now we have to come up with more money for next semester.
Woman: Yeah, I know. But I can see why? When I first started here, classes were so much smaller than they are now. With these many students , it ’ s hard to get the personal attention you need …
Man: Yeah, I guess you ’ re right. You know. In some classes I can ’ t even get a seat. And I couldn ’ t take the math course I wanted to because it ’ s already full the time I signed up.
Woman: And the other thing is, well, I am kind of worried about not being able to get a job after I graduate.
Man: Why? I mean you ’ re doing really well in your classes, aren ’ t you?
Woman: I ’ m doing ok, but the facilities here are so limited. There are some great new experiments in microbiology that we can ’ t even do here … There isn ’ t enough equipment in the laboratories, and the equipment they have is out of date. How am I going to complete for jobs with people who have practical research experience? I think the extra tuition would be a good investment.
The woman expresses her opinion of the announcement made by the university president. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Issue问题: more fees
Opinion观点: Necessary
Cause原因: more student , professor; new research ; better facilities needed
Effect影响: not available
四、 口语重点语言及表达方式
第一、 复述问题是什么
The two students were mentioning if it ’ s a good idea for the university to raise tuition fees. When the president makes the announcement, he pointed out couples of reasons why the decision is like that such as more students, better facilities needed or things like that.
第二、 明确地提出观点
In the talk, the woman did think it ’ s really necessary.

第三、 给出原因(一般地2-3条)
There ’ re a couple of reasons why she did think so. First of all, she bet to require more tuition fees ’ s a useful way to have more classes, so that more students will benefit in the university. Second of all, she felt it deserved to invest more money in the improvement of facilities like new research or labs, because it would be positive for students to compete for their later job-hunting.
五、 更多的练习及参考答案
Reading Time : 45 seconds
Training Course for tutor
Western University announces a new course in the practice of professional tutoring. The course combines a discussion with practical experience in either the Math Center or the Writing Center. In the discussion class, students will explore tutoring theories, examine the role of the peer tutor, and develop effective tutoring practices. In their practical experience, students will observe peer tutoring and advance to supervised tutoring. Students who are considering the graduate school in related fields will benefit from this course. Enrollment is limited to 40 and requires the signature of an academic advisor.
Listening Script :
Now listen to two students as they discuss the course for tutor
W: Hey, Gavin. You should enroll in this course for tutor .
M: Me? I ’ m not a tutor.
W: But you want to go to graduate school, right?
M: Right.
W: And in graduate school you ’ ll be a teaching assistant, right?
M: Probably.
W: Then this training course is just what you need. It will give you a head start on learning how to teach. Some of the universities don ’ t give their TAs much training. They just expect you to know how to do it, so this course might be really useful for the future.
M: Maybe. I could at least get a job as a math tutor.
W: And you ’ d learn how to do it right. You ’ d learn some practical theories about teaching and learning.
M: True.
W: Anyway, it might give you skills that could be useful later – no matter what kind of work you end up doing.
The woman expresses her opinion about the training course for tutor. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Sample Answer:
The two students were discussing if it’s a good idea for the man to enroll the training course for tutor. It’s very clear that the woman thought he should do so. There’re a couple of reasons for defending her point of view. The first reason’s that to enroll the course might be a good way for him to learn how to teach as a teaching assistant. However, most of graduate schools didn’t give kind of training. Second of all, it’s possible for him to learn some practical theories about teaching and learning if he could take it. As reading says, the course provides not only the theories but also discussion with practical experience.
Reading Time : 45 seconds
Proposal to Change the Physical Education Requirement
The college is considering a proposal from the dean ’ s office that would increase the physical education requirement of the core curriculum from one course to two. If approved by a vote of the administration, the new requirement will become effective in the fall semester. At the same time, the college will offer several new physical education courses , including martial art, dance and team sports. Students are invited to express their views on the proposed change at a meeting in room 100 of Administration Building at 2:00 this Friday.
Listening Script :
Now listen to two students as they discuss the proposal
W: I just heard the college is increasing the physical education requirement to two courses.
M: Well, that ’ s what they want to do, but I don ’ t think it will happen . Everybody , I know , hate s the idea.
W: Why? Physical education is good for us! Most students need to get more exercise. That ’ s why we have a new physical education building.
M: But it ’ s not up to the college to require us to get more exercise. We have a responsibility to make that physical education requirement in college – high school, yes, but not college. Our main job in college is to study. We need to exercise our brains, not out bodies. Besides, I ’ ve already got a lot of exercise. I ’ m on my neighborhood basketball team and I also go hiking and rock climbing.
W: Well, obviously you don ’ t need physical education, but other people do.
The man expresses his opinion about the physical education requirement. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Sample Answer:
The two students were mentioning if it’s a smart idea for the college to run physical education requirement. As reading says, the college will offer several new physical education courses. Obviously, the man held a negative attitude toward the proposal to change the requirement. In order to hold his opinion, he used a couple of reasons. First of all, he didn’t think the college was the right place to offer the physical education, because students should study but not exercising bodies. The second reason he had is that students should do physical education in their neighborhood, if they’d like. Actually he used to exercise on his neighborhood basketball team, go hiking and rock climbing.
Reading Time : 45 seconds
Community Course in Theater
Members of the community are invited to join students in the Baxter College Theater Arts program in a fully staged college theater production. In this course, you will learn theory, methods and an analysis of theater production in acting or technical theater. You will assist with scenery construction and costumes, box office procedures, and lighting and sound systems during the production of a play. The instructor has extensive experience in the performing arts and is director of the college ’ s Theater Arts program. This course is not open to full-time or part-time students of Baxter College.
Listening Script :
Now listen to two students as they discuss the theater course
M: This course isn ’ t open to students! That means we can ’ t take it. Don ’ t you think that ’ s strange?
W: Well, yeah. Kind of, but students have to be enrolled in the Theater Arts program if they want to be in any of the plays. This course is for people who live in town.
M: I don ’ t think that ’ s right. We pay tuition and fees, so we should be able to take any course we want at this school.
W: But this is a chance for other people to work with the theater students. It ’ s a community class.
M: But it’ s not fair. What if I want to learn about theater too? I ’ m a full-time student. I ’ m not enrolled in the Theater Arts program, but I ’ d love the chance to work on a play. The instructor is the director of the Theater program . I would enjoy taking this course just for fun. But I can ’ t because I ’ m a student! It doesn ’ t make sense.
W: Maybe you should go talk to the dean.
M: I think I will. Maybe I can convince him that this rule discriminates against students.
The man expresses his opinion about the theater course. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Sample Answer:
The two students were talking about the community course in Theater. As reading says, the course is not open to full-time or part-time students of Baxter College, so that the man held a negative attitude towards the constraints of the course. Overall, there’s a very important reason why he thought so. He thought it’s unfair for the college students who have paid tuition fees but couldn’t attend the course they wanted. Secondly, he’d love taking the course just for fun, because he thought it ’ s a great class to make him study something more about theater. But unfortunately he couldn’t because the course ’ s not available of any full-time or part-time student in the university.
Reading Time : 45 seconds
Childcare on Campus
Students can use an on-campus childcare center for children from 12 months to 6 years. Hours of operation are 6:45 AM to 9:00 PM, Monday through Thursday, and 6:45 AM to 6:00 PM, Friday. The Childcare Center is conveniently located near the main classroom buildings and the library. The Center offers safe playrooms, an outdoor playground, trained staffs, and a safe and caring environment. Full-time students have priority to enroll their children at the center. For enrollment and rate information, call 305-1144. Space is limited , so we recommend that you enroll your children early.
Listening Script :
Now listen to a student as she speaks to other students who are parents.
My two sons have been enrolled at the campus childcare for a semester now. However, I have to say our experience has been less than satisfactory. For one thing, there really isn ’ t enough space there. There ’ s room for only 20 children at a time, which means a lot of people can ’ t get their children in. My children were on the waiting list for three months before getting in. This is a real problem because it prevents a lot of parents from going to college. The college really needs to find a bigger space so there ’ ll be more room for children, don ’ t you think?

Another things is they need to extend the evening hours past nine o ’ clock because some of the classes don ’ t end until 9:30. So if you have a class that lasts till 9:30, you have to leave early to pick up your children. This isn ’ t fair to the parents who need those night classes because they miss important information in classes.
The woman expresses her opinion on the on-campus childcare for tutor. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Sample Answer:
A student is speaking of childcare on campus. From her talk, I bet he didn’t think the childcare was a very good place for the students enrolled. In order to defend her opinion, there’re a couple of reasons available. The first reason is that childcare hasn’t had enough space to hold all of children in need. To prove it, she said that she couldn’t get her child into the center on her schedule. Second of all, he thought it’s close too early. As he said, most of classes were close at 9:00 but the center was close at 9:30, so they couldn’t finish all contents of classes up.
Reading Time : 45 seconds
On-Campus Housing
Most first-year students live on campus, and virtually all of them have one or more roommates. Living on campus has many advantages, with varying accommodations available through the Housing Office. On-campus housing includes four apartment buildings and eight dormitories. With living units ranging from one-, two-, and four-bedroom apartments, to single and double dormitory rooms, students are close to classrooms and other campus facilities. The university also offers “specialty dorms” designated by academic major; these are good ways to meet people with interests similar to yours.
Listening Script :
Now listen to a student as she discusses campus housing with an advisor in the Housing Office.
W: Next semester I ’ d like to move on-campus. My best friend from high school will also start school here, and the two of us want to share a room in a dormitory.
M: OK … but are you sure you want to room with your friend from high school?
W: Yes, of course. We were best friends last year
M: You know. This might sound strange, but generally we don ’ t recommend that you share a room with your best friend.
W: Really?
M: It could work out, but a lot of times it can destroy a friendship. The reason is that knowing someone – even being best friend – isn ’ t the same as living together. A better idea might be to live on the same floor as your friend – in the same “ neighborhood ” , so to speak – but have someone else for a roommate. In this way, you ’ ll preserve your friendship and also get to know new and interesting people.
W: That does sort of make sense.
M: Or you could live in a dorm with others of your academic major. You ’ ll meet people with similar interests and develop relationships that can benefit you later in your professional life.
W: I need to think about this. Thanks for your advice.
The man expresses his opinion about the woman ’ s desire to live on campus. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Sample Answer:

The two people are discussing if it is a good idea for the woman to live on campus with her close friend. It’s quite clear that he didn’t think so. There’re a couple of reasons for his opinion. First of all, to live with friends is possible to destroy the friendship. The second reason is that to live on campus with someone else is the best way to meet people with interests similar to hers and benefit later in her professional life. As reading says, the on-campus housing offers “specialty dorms” designed by academic major.
Reading Time : 45 seconds
The Program Seminar
The program seminar is the primary mode of instruction for students at Central College. A program of study might involve 80 students and four faculty members, but most of class time is spent in small group discussion – the seminar. Seminar content centers on a theme or issue relevant to the program. For students, the close interaction with faculty and fellow students provides perspective through differing viewpoints, and depth through concentrated group effort. Students learn to express themselves and to work cooperatively – two traits that our graduates have found particularly helpful in their lives and careers.
Listening Script :
Now listen to two students as they discuss seminars.
W: I just transferred here from another college, and we didn ’ t have seminars there. I don ’ t think I ’ ll like seminars.
M: How do you know you won ’ t like seminars, if you ’ ve never had one before?
W: Well, the program seminar reminds me of the class discussions we had in high school. I didn ’ t like those discussions because two or three students always did all the talking. Everyone else in the class had to listen to what the big talkers had to say. There was never a chance for the shy or quiet people to speak up and say what they were thinking. So most of the discussions were pretty boring.
M: But the seminars at this school aren ’ t like that. Sometimes one or two students lead the discussion, but usually everyone participates.
W: I ’ d rather listen to what the professor has to say. After all, it ’ s the professor who has the knowledge. It ’ s the professor who ’ s supposed to teach us, not the students.
M: I think you ’ ll change your mind about seminars after you see what they ’ re really like.
The woman expresses her opinion about seminars. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Sample Answer:
The two students were saying if the program seminar is a good way. From what the woman said, I could deduce that she didn’t think that it’s useful. There’re two reasons why she did think so. First of all, she thought it’s unfair for shy or quiet people to say what they thinking, because normally there’re big talkers in a group. Well, what she said was from what she has experienced in high school. A second reason is that she’d love listening to what the professor had to say but someone else, because they could have the knowledge.
一、 介绍
l 在听完“题目指南”的语音提示后,考生首先需要在45秒钟内,读完一篇大约在75到100字的文章。文章的内容包括:对于术语、过程或一个学术问题的笼统的定义。
l 接下来,文章在屏幕上消失并不在“重现”。此时,考生将会听到历时60到90秒,大约在150到220字的一段听力内容。内容是基于具体学术问题的例子及详细信息。
l 在口语部分,问题将会要求考生将阅读及听力内容相结合并选择重要的信息进行表达。
二、 阅读重点及技巧展示
在考试形式上第四题与第三题极为相似。考生仍需通过阅读、听力来获取口语表述的信息。然后再用自己的语言进行转述。根据笔者的经验,大多数的TOEFL iBT考生由于未有在国外上专业课的经验,因此对于学术类题目比较不擅长。一般说来,国外的Lecture的共同特点是:学生需要提前了解课程背景;老师上课的讲解偏重于实例的讲解;学生往往需要将这两部分结合在个人的presentation上来表达自己的。再加上考生不擅长用听力获取信息,因此阅读仍旧是获取信息的主要来源。因此以“阅读为纲,听力为媒”始终是一个比较实际的办法。
Animal Domestication
For thousands of years, humans have been able to domesticate, or tame, many large mammals that in the wild live together in herds. Once tamed, these mammals are used for agricultural work and transportation. Yet some herd mammals are not easily domesticated.
A good indicator of an animal’s suitability for domestication is how protective the animals are of its territory. Non-territorial animals are more easily domesticated than territorial animals because they can live close together with animals from other herds. A second indicator is that animals with a hierarchical social structure, in which herd members follow a leader, are easy to domesticate, since a human can function as the “leader”.
第一、 标题以及第一句话帮助读者充分认识问题。特别关注句子中“主谓”结构可以提高阅读效率并准确把握大意。
通过Animal domestication和Human have been able to domesticate many mammals that in the wild live together in herds,考生大体可以判断讨论的是关于“动物的驯养”主题。
第二、 根据学术习惯,当主题出现时需要了解的内容包括其“前因”,“后果”或者“条件”。也就是这件事背后的“意义”或“影响”。其中,“影响”是特别应该关注的内容。因为对于任何学术题目而言,结论都是非常重要的。这种结论一般都伴随着对外界以及人类的影响。
通过These mammals are used for agricultural work and transportation; Yet some are not easily domesticated; how protective the animals are of its territory; hierarchical social structure; 等关键信息,考生可以发现这些哺乳动物可以用于农业活动和运输;而且是否易于驯服要取决于动物对于领地的保护特征和等级社会结构因素。
第三、 当然在考生的Notes上面的文字并不需要这样多,可不可能有时间让考生将这些内容完整的抄录在纸上。因此,笔者建议考生记录下这些重要的形容词是非常有效的方法。具体方式因人而异。如:
Topic主题: mammal domestication
Effect影响: agricultural activity; But, if protective and hierarchical.
第四、 考生可以带着自己对阅读部分的理解,进入到下一部分 - 听力单元
三、 听力重点及技巧展示
Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in an ecology class.
So we ’ ve been discussing the suitability of animals for domestication … particularly animals that live together in herds. Now, if we take horses, for example … in the wild, horses live in herds that consist of one male and several females and their young. When a herd moves, the dominant male leads, with the dominant female and her young immediately behind him. The dominant female and her young are then followed immediately by the second most important female and her young and so on. This is why domesticated horses can be harnessed one after the other in a row. They ’ re “ programmed ” to follow the lead of another horse. On the top of that, you often find different herds of horses in the wild occupying overlapping areas - they don ’ t fight off other herds that enter the same territory.
But it ’ s exactly the opposite with an animal like the uh, the antelope … which … well, antelopes are herd animals too. But unlike horses, a male antelope will fight fiercely to prevent another male from entering its territory during the breeding season, ok – very different from the behavior of horses. Try keeping a couple of male antelopes together in a small space and seeing what happens. Also, antelopes don ’ t have a social hierarchy – they don ’ t instinctively follow any leader. That makes it harder for humans to control their behavior.
The professor describes the behavior of horses and antelope in herds. Explain how their behavior is related to their suitability for domestication.
Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Topic主题: domestication
Specifics具体: horses & antelopes
Effect影响: agricultural activity; But, if protective and hierarchical.
Samples: Horse ( not so protective and hierarchical ) / Antelope ( so protective and hierarchical )
四、 口语重点语言及表达方式
第一、 复述概括的问题是什么
The professor was talking about something associated with animal domestication. Actually it ’ s a nice way for people to use specific animals to take agricultural activities and things like those, but it quite depends on what kind of animals we’ d love to domesticate.
第二、 明确地指出例子是关于什么的
According to what the professor said, horses and antelopes are the animals mentioned.

第三、 给出具体例子并说明影响
First of all, horses are the very animals to be suitable for domestication, because they normally follow the more important members in a herd, and can allow others to go into their territory. That ’ s why it ’ s a safe way for people to raise them in an area. On the other hand, it ’ s so hard to feed antelopes, because they don ’ t have any hierarchy and refused to follow anyone else. That ’ s why they easily fight off others when they come into their own zone.

五、 其他的语言方式
1) 主题介绍的句型
l The topic is around “ 主题 ” , which was mentioned by the professor.
l What was mentioned is “ 主题 ”.
l Apparently, the lecture lets us know what “ 主题 ”is about together with something related.
l It ’ s quite clear that the professor was speaking of the “ 主题 ”.
2) 主题延伸的句型
l In the lecture, the “主题”narrows down to “主题的某个方面”
3) 介绍“根源”的句型
l The reason is that + 句子
l As we can see, it is due to the fact that + 句子
l The first / second / third root cause is that + 句子
4) 介绍“影响”的句型
l The important influence“主题”might make is that + 句子
l “主题”have a drastic effect on … , which so that becomes + 形容词
l “主题”causes the result like that: + 句子
5) 介绍“例子”的句型
l In order to demonstrate “影响或原因”,the professor use the example like this:+句子
五、 更多的练习及参考答案
Reading Time : 45 seconds
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence consists of self-awareness, self-control, self-motivation, enthusiasm, and social ability. People with emotional intelligence understand their feelings and mange them in ways that are positive and helpful. They make decisions about life – what job to pursue, what direction to take, and whom to marry – with greater confidence and skill than people with low or no emotional intelligence. Their people skills make them more likely to succeed at relationships, cooperation, and leadership, and less likely to engage in risky or criminal behavior.
Listening Script :
Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a psychology class.
A recent study on emotional intelligence looked at the mental health of young people with high intellectual and artistic abilities. The researcher interviewed gifted students from 12 to 17 years old. He asked them questions like “ Do you ever think about your own thinking? ” and “ If you ask yourself ‘ who am I? ’ , what is the answer? ”
So the researcher found all of his subjects to be extremely intense and enthusiastic young people. The subjects experienced emotional highs and lows that caused intense happiness, but also conflict, pain, and a tendency to get overexcited.
For example, one 16-year-old said, “ I am a very misunderstood person. People think that my life is easy because I am talented, but I have a lot of problems. ” They ’ re criticized and teased, and they start to believe that something is wrong with them. They feel embarrassed and guilty for being “ different ” from everyone else.
The professor discusses a study on emotional intelligence. Explain how emotional intelligence affects the experiences of young people like those in the study.
Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Sample Answer:
Well, the professor was discussing the subject of emotional intelligence. In the lecture, it narrows down to the influence on young people. The study picked up young people with high intellectual and artistic abilities from 12 to 17 years old. Research showed that emotional highs and lows caused intense happiness but also negatives. To prove it, the professor used a 16-year-old. He’s gifted but he didn’t feel so happy. He said, “People thought his life was easy, but actually he felt embarrassed for being different from everyone else”. Overall, emotional intelligence plays a very important role in people’s mental things.
Reading Time : 45 seconds
Boycotts are form of nonviolent protest, the practice of applying power to achieve sociopolitical goals, without the use of physical force. People who participate in a boycott refuse to buy, sell, or otherwise trade with an individual or business that they believe to be doing something morally wrong. The purpose of a boycott is to call attention to a wrong and to punish those responsible for the wrong. Usually, the punishment is economic, but sometimes it brings shame to the offenders. When a boycott is long-term and widespread, it can be a factor in causing social change.
Listening Script :
Now listen to part of a lecture in a history class.
A name often associated with boycotts is Cesar Chavez. Chavez was a labor union organizer who used nonviolent action to achieve the goals of fair pay and better working conditions for farm workers
Chavez organized a union of grape pickers in California. When the farm owners who grew table grapes refused to accept the union, Chavez organized a nationwide boycott of grapes. The workers stopped picking grapes, and the grapes began to rot on the vines.
The boycott got a lot of attention. Lots of people from all cross the country – public officials, religious leaders, and ordinary citizens – all went to California to march in support of the farm workers. As a result of the boycott, some grape growers signed agreements with the union. So the union ended the boycott, and the workers began to pick grapes again.
Chavez also called for a boycott of lettuce produced by growers without union contracts. People from all parts of the country refused to buy lettuce. Some even protested in front of supermarket.
The power of boycotts is the negative attention they direct at the people responsible for an offense. In the case of the grape and lettuce boycotts, the growers were the offenders. The boycotts hurt the grape and lettuce growers economically because people stopped buying their products. But even more importantly, the boycotts hurt their reputation.
Explain what happens during a boycott, and effects of the boycotts discussed in the lecture.
Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Sample Answer:
In the lecture, the professor was discussing the boycotts, a way of nonviolent protest. When it comes to what happens during a boycott, the people might refuse to buy, sell or trade with the people who are responsible for the wrong, march and things like that. Whatever, it’s nothing with physical force. As far as the effects of the boycotts are concerned, the professor pointed out that it’s to call attention to a wrong and to punish those offenders not only economically but also with their reputation. The two cases professor used are the very evidences to show how the boycott works.
Reading Time : 45 seconds
Social Roles
In sociological terms, every person has a position in a social system. One person may have a number of positions because he or she belongs to various social systems, such as home, school, workplace and community. The behavior attached to each position is called a social role. A person in a particular social role will follow the script for that role. For example, the role of student requires one to study. Each role in a social system is related to other roles in the system. Relationships such as student and teacher, supervisor and staff, and husband and wife are known as role partners.
Listening Script :
Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a sociology class.
OK … I want to say a couple of things about social roles and role partners. Because relationships exist among various social roles, we can ’ t study one role all by itself. We have to look at a role. We can ’ t study one role in relation to its role partners. For example, a man can ’ t be a father without a child, so farther and children are role partners.
When there ’ s competition between the expectations of different role partners, we have something called role conflict. For example, as a college student, you ’ ve probably noticed that your parents and your friends – both role partners to you – often expect different behavior from you. Your parents want you to stay home and study hard, while your friend say, “ You ’ ve studied enough. Let ’ s go have a party. ” This is a case of role conflict, and you feel stress of the conflict between your role as a child and your role as a friend.
Mature adults experience the most severe role conflicts. The main conflict is the tension between responsibility to an employer and responsibility to spouse and children. The conflict between work and family roles is especially difficult for women, who feel a great amount of stress because in our society women are still expected to make their family role primarily.
Explain the concept of role conflict, and explain when and why a person experiences role conflict.
Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Sample Answer:
In the lecture, the professor was discussing social role, social partners and the conflict. As reading says, each person has a lot of positions, and its relationships with someone else are known as role partner. As for the concept of role conflict, professor pointed out that the competition between the different partners and roles of an individual is the main reason. Specifically speaking, parents and friends have various expectations to a college student, so it might feel so confused. Besides, an individual felt so confused about its different roles in a society. A woman might be not only a mom but also employee, but she might look at her role as a mom more importantly.
Reading Time : 45 seconds
Spatial Memory
An important survival skill of animals is their ability to remember and recognize objects in the environment. Animals use their spatial memory to assemble a list of paths that lead to various goals. For an animal, navigating by series of landmarks is a simple but quite effective procedure. An animal basically learns from experience that turning right at the rock and then left at the tall tree leads to home. Some animals can recognize a landmark from several different directions, making it possible to find their way to a familiar goal even when approaching from an unfamiliar direction.
Listening Script :
Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a zoology class.
A few species of birds will store food in hiding places for later use. For example, nutcrackers bury food and are able to remember the locations of the hiding places with great accuracy. They use landscape features – like distinctive rocks, logs, and other landmarks – as spatial cues to where the food is buried. Spatial memory allows the birds to return and dig up most of the food. Even when an object such as a log or rock has been moved, the birds appear to search in a particular spatial relationship to the object.
Experiments show that animals in familiar landscapes are very skilled at finding and investigating new objects. For example, a group of fourteen baboons were put into their outdoor pen after a new object has been placed there each day when they were absent. The baboons generally took less than three minutes to find the new object. The new objects included both artificial things, like drinking cups and balls, and natural things like coconut shells and branches. The baboons clearly reacted differently to the new objects. For example, they were much more likely to touch and handle today ’ s new object. But they quickly paid little attention to yesterday ’ s new object. Similar experiments with other animals show that moving familiar objects will cause animals to examine the objects; otherwise the animals will ignore them.
Explain how the skill of spatial memory influences the behavior of specific animals.
Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Sample Answer:
In the lecture, the professor was mentioning how spatial memory influences the behavior of specific animals. Actually there’re a couple of main effects. First of all, to use spatial memory is a really useful way for birds to find out the food they have hidden for later use. They could use landscape features such as rocks to make sure the right way to approach the object. Second of all, it’s also quite useful for animals to find new objects they want. Overall, spatial memory is a very helpful skill for specific animals to remember or recognize the objects they wish to find out.
Reading Time : 45 seconds
When a person is overwhelmed by an emotional crisis and cannot cope with daily life, he or she may be suffering from depression. Depression ranges in severity but affects approximately 20% of adults. Symptoms include feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and despair; loss of interest and pleasure in things ; weight loss or weight gain; difficulty falling asleep or more than usual; lack of motivation; and loss of energy. In cases of mild or situational depression, the symptoms usually decline with a change of scenery or routines, or once the problem that caused the depression disappears.
Listening Script :
Now listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class.
There ’ s growing evidence that several types of depression are linked to biological and environmental factors. For example, one mild form of depression is linked to the changes in the amount of daylight.
People with seasonal effective disorder – or SAD – have repeated bouts of depression during a particular time of the year, usually fall or winter, when the periods of daylight are shorter. A researcher suggests that the disorder is related to the body ’ s biological clock and to changes in body temperature and hormone levels. So, when your body doesn ’ t enough sunshine, t he result is symptoms that are similar to those of a major depression but usually not as serious. Usually you have no energy and just want to sleep more, or you eat more carbohydrates and gain weight. The symptoms usually disappear when the days start getting longer in the spring. So just as in most other types of mild depression, the symptoms go away when the underlying problem goes away in the spring.
However, some people with the disorder can ’ t wait for spring. So they get relief from a treatment that involves exposure to light from a special fluorescent tube for a certain number of hours each day. Since they can ’ t get real sunlight, they spend a few hours in a room with this special light that fools the body into thinking it ’ s getting sunlight.
Describe the form of depression discussed in the lecture, explaining its causes, symptoms and treatment.
Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Sample Answer:
The topic is about depression, and then it narrows down to a kind, mild one. It’s linked to the changes in the amount of daylight. As far as the causes are concerned, the professor explained like that: it’s related to the body biological clock and to change in body temperature. The symptoms are not so serious like no energy, more sleep needed or things like that. However, with the coming of the spring, the depression will eventually disappear, or to expose body to the sunshine for more ’s alternative good way to get rid of the depression, because the temperature or seasonal change will influence the case.
Reading Time : 45 seconds
Abstract Expressionism
Abstract Expressionism was a movement in painting that emerged in New York City in the 1940s and attained prominence in American art in the following decade. It emphasized personal expression, freedom from accepted artistic values, attention to surface qualities of paint such as brushstroke and texture, and the use of huge canvases. Abstract Expressionism valued the act of painting itself, including the accidents that happen while painting. For this reason, it is sometimes also called action painting. The movement influenced many later schools of art , especially in the use of color and material.
Listening Script :
Now listen to part of a lecture in an art history class.
One of the leading artists of abstract expressionism was a painter by the name of Jackson Pollock. Like other artists of the movement, Pollock tried to express his feelings through painting. He developed an abstract style of painting where he vigorously “ dripped ” complicated patterns onto enormous canvases. His devotion to the act of painting led to the term “ action painting ” .
Pollock was influential not just for his art but for the process of making it . He painted his huge canvases on the floor so he could work around and over the canvas. He felt more at ease on the floor. He could walk around the painting, work from all found sides, and literally be in the painting. He sort of danced around the borders of the canvas. He spattered the canvas with sprays and drips of paint.
Pollock gave the drip a special character. His technique was to hold the brush or stick a foot above the canvas, and then to throw lines of paint in the air so the paint would fall on the canvas. He controlled this gesture skillfully, and thus the painting grew from his control of the drip.
A lot of Pollock ’ s paintings were called “ all-over ” paintings because the paint fills the entire canvas. In these paintings, the canvas is filled with a series of lines, curves, and loops – twisting forms of color that suggest movement – an effect entirely given by the skillful gesture of the artist ’ s brush.
The professor describes the painting style of Jackson Pollock. Explain how Pollock ’ s style made him a leading artist of the movement called abstract expressionism.
Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Sample Answer:
Well, the professor described the abstract expressionism, and narrows down to a representative, Mr. Jackson Pollock. Actually he did a great job in the area, and made him a leading artistic of the movement called abstract expressionism. He was so great not just for his art but for the process of making it. You know, He developed a new painting, and started to skillfully control his gesture and other parts of his body to paint. In his works, his paintings were called “all-over”, because his paint fills the entire canvas. Just because of these, he embarked on a so great or maybe a whole new artistic way.
一、 介绍
l 考生将首先听到历时60到90秒,大约在180到220字的一段听力内容。内容是关于学生所遇到的一个问题及两个建议。
l 在口语部分,问题将会要求考生根据听力内容表述对于问题的理解以及表达对于问题解决方案的观点。
二、 听力重点及技巧展示
l Is there anything wrong with you?
l What ’ s wrong with you?
l What happened?
l What was happening?
l What can I do for you?
l Can I help you?
l How is it going?
l How is something going?
l Have you done sth … ?
l You should do …
l You ’ d better do …
l You have to …
l You need to …
l You must do …
l You can /could …
l Why don ’ t you …
l If I were you, I would do …
l I ’ m wondering if … .
l That ’ s if …
这道题目中的笔记的方式也由于涉及到 “问题” 和 “建议”,有了新的形式。这种称为“交叉表”的记录方法是笔者参加考试时所采用的方法。考生也可根据自己的习惯记录最有效的信息。
甲方 trouble-maker
乙方 consultant
Idea One:
But …
Idea Two
But …
My sense is that …
Now listen to a conversation between two students.
M: Hey, Lisa, how ’ s it going?
W: Hi, Mark. Uh, I ’ m OK, I guess, but my schoolwork is really stressing me out.
M: [ sympathetically ] Yeah? What ’ s wrong?
W: Well, I ’ ve got a paper to write, and two exams to study for. And a bunch of math problems to finish . It ’ s just so much that I can ’ t concentrate on any of it. I start concentrating on studying for one of my exams, and then I ’ m, like, how long ’ s it gonna take to finish that problem set?
M: Wow, sounds like you ’ ve got a lot more work than you can handle right now. [not wanting to sound too pushy] look, have you talked to some of your professors … I mean, you know, try to explain the problem. Look, you could probably get an extension on your paper, or on the math assignment …
W: You think? It would give me a little more time to prepare for my exams right now.
M: Well, I mean another thing that you might do … I mean, have you tried making yourself a schedule? I mean that ’ s what I do when I ’ m feeling overwhelmed.
W: Uh-huh. [meaning “ I ’ m listening ” ]
M: I mean, think about what you need to do, and when you have to do it by. You know, then start filling in your schedule – like, all right nine to eleven thirty a.m., study for exam; twelve to three, work on problem set. But I mean, don ’ t make the time periods too long. Like, don ’ t put in eight hours of studying – you know, you ’ ll get tired or start worrying about your other work again. But if you keep to your schedule, you know you ’ ll just have to worry about one thing at time.
W: Yeah, that might work. [somewhat noncommittally ]
The students discuss two possible solutions to the woman ’ s problem. Describe the problem. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.
Preparation Time: 20 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
第一、 考生可以听见男学生说“Yeah, what ’ s wrong with you.”的提示;随后,女学生的回答中展示了问题:It ’ s just so much that I can ’ t concentrate on any of it. 工作太多以至于不能很好完成每一项。
第二、 听到Have you talked to some of your professors … I mean, you know, try to explain the problem. Look, you could probably get an extension on your paper, or on the math assignment. 可以判断出一个方案是向教授求助,然后要求延期。
第三、 接下来听到的是Another think that you might do的提示,说明下一个建议就要到了。当听到have you tried making yourself a schedule? 考生将会了解到另一个方案是安排一个计划。
第四、 有了这些素材,一个“交叉表”就可以完成了。
甲方 trouble-maker
乙方 consultant
Woman: Too much work
Idea One: talk to professors for extension
But … Exam
Idea Two: schedule
But …
My sense is that … schedule is fine.
三、 口语重点语言及表达方式
第一、 叙述问题
Well, what I ’ ve heard is the conversation between two students. In their talk, the woman ‘ s got something wrong with her too much work to do like paper, exams and math problems . That ’ s why the man offered her a couple of advices.
第二、 两条建议
First of all, he advised her to have a talk with her professor asking extension or things like that.
That’ s not all. He felt it a good idea for her to arrange her schedule in a sensible way in order to keep everything ready very well. But unfortunately the woman sounds not interested in the idea.
第三、 我的看法
To be honest, if I were her, I ‘ d like to follow his second way. Coz, for one hand it ’ s tough to have an extension from professor, because the common skills of scheduling should be left to the student itself. Second of all, it ’ s possible for him to organize the time and amount of workload very well if he could do so. It ’ s really helpful for the woman ’ s success.
Listening Script :
Listen to a conversation between two students.
W: Is something wrong with your arm?
M: Oh, not really. It ’ s just that my elbow is bothering me.
W: What happened to it?
M: It ’ s been a little sore lately. I think I lifted too many heavy boxes at my job.
W: Well, you ’ d better go to clinic and have someone look at your elbow. Are you free right now?
M: Yes, for a little while.
W: Well, come on then. I ’ ll walk over there with you. I ’ m already heading that way.
M: I know, but I can ’ t afford to miss any more practice. I ’ ve missed a lot already and my coach will be angry.
W: You need to tell your coach about your elbow, and ask your boss for something else to do besides lifting heavy box.
M: There isn’ t anything else to do at my job.
W: Well, then you ’ d better look for a different job. You could really hurt yourself if you ’ re not careful.
M: I know. I know.
Describe the man ’ s problem and the suggestions the woman makes about what he should do. What do you think the man should do, and why?
Preparation Time: 20 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Sample Answer:
甲方 trouble-maker
乙方 consultant
Man: sore elbow
Wo man
Idea One: go to clinic
But … basement practice
Idea Two: talk to coach and boss
But … nothing else
My sense is that … First talk to coach and then go to clinic
In the talk, the man told the woman he’s got something wrong his elbow. So, there’re a couple of advices the woman gave him. First of all, she bet it’s a good idea for him to see doctor in a clinic, but the man had to join the baseball practice in the afternoon. Again, she encouraged him to have a talk to the coach and boss or quitting the job.
If I were the man bothered with the problem, I would first have a talk to my baseball coach to ask an absence of afternoon’s exercise, so that I could go to see doctor for the cure. I fully believe that the coach will understand me and agree to it. Next, I would like to change another job, because it’s unfair for me to life too many heavy boxes.
Listening Script :
Listen to part of a conversation between a student and her academic advisor.
W: I need help with my registration for Winter Quarter.
M: OK. What can I do for you?
W: I still need to take another course in social science, but it doesn’t look like anything will fit into my schedule.
M: Hmm. I see what you mean. You ’ ve already got a full schedule . Why don ’ t you wait until Spring Quarter to fulfill the social science requirement?
W: Because I ’ ll be doing an internship in the spring that will be full time.
M: Hmm. Well … you could take an evening course. There are lots of evening classes in the social sciences, in both Winter and Spring Quarters.
W: An evening course … ugh … I don ’ t like going to class at night.
M: Well, with your schedule, this may be your only choice. Another possibility, of course, is to wait until summer , and fulfill the social science requirement then. Will you be around this summer?
W: I hope to graduate, and then go ho m e for the summer. So this is kind of a problem for me.
Describe the woman ’ s problem and the suggestions her advisor makes about how to solve it. What do you think the woman should do, and why?
Preparation Time: 20 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Sample Answer:
甲方 trouble-maker
乙方 consultant
Woman: schedule
Idea One: Wait until Spring or Summer
But … Internship & Go home
Idea Two: Take evening course
But … Dislike
My sense is that … to take evening course
The female student was asking the male academic advisor how to work out her registration, which seemed to be full. First of all, he suggested her to wait until spring quarter or summer. However, she refused the idea because she would have an internship in spring quarter and go back home in summer. Another idea the advisor gave is she should take the evening course, but she hates going to class at night.
My sense is that to take evening class might be useful to work it out, because it’s the only way for her to have time taking the class, although she might dislike the way. As we can see, she would have an internship in spring quarter, and the arrangement is so intense; she’s got the plan of graduation in summer, so it’s impossible for her to wait until summer.
Listening Script :
Listen to a conversation between two students.
W: How are your classes going?
M: All right mostly, that is, except for environmental science. The class is fine, but my learning partner – the guy I ’ m supposed to do my project with – well, to be honest, he ’ s lazy. I ’ ve done all the work so far but we ’ re being graded together .
W: That ’ s not good. You need to have a serious talk with your partner. You can ’ t let him ruin your grade. You need to layout a plan for who does what and when. He has to take responsibility for his part of the project.
M: That ’ s for sure. He ’ s hard to get a hold of, too. I’ ve left several messages on his answering machine.
W: You ’ d better let your professor know about his. Maybe he ’ ll let you do the project with someone else.
M: It ’ s kind of late for that. Besides, I ’ ve already started working on it, and so has everyone else.
W: You never know. Maybe you could sort of look around for another group to join. But I would see what you professor says first.
Describe the man ’ s problem and suggestions the woman makes about how he should deal with it. What do you think the man should do and why?
Preparation Time: 20 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Sample Answer:
甲方 trouble-maker
乙方 consultant
M an: bad learning partner
Wo man
Idea One: have a serious talk
But … can’t get hold of him
Idea Two: let professor know or change
But …
My sense is that … 2 nd idea
In the conversation, I see there’s a male student who got something troublesome about his learning partner who’s working with him for a project. As we can see, the guy is so laze that he couldn’t do something useful for the project. So, there’re a couple of advices from the female student. Firstly she encouraged him to have a serious talk with the trouble guy and layout the plan for him, but he couldn’t get hold of him. Secondly, she advised him to talk to the professor and try to join another group.
My feeling is that he’d better have a talk with his professor telling him about what was happening for all and asking to join another group. It’s possible for him to finish his work regardless of the lazy partner.
Listening Script :
Listen to a conversation between two students.
M: Hi, Nicole. How is it going?
W: My classes are going well. I wish I could say the same for my car.
M: What ’ s wrong with your car?
W: I ’ m not sure, exactly. It ’ s just won ’ t start up sometimes. It gave me a lot of trouble this morning. It took me ten minutes to get it running, and then I was late for class. I need to have it checked out, but my regular mechanic is expensive, and I still have to pay my tuition.
M: You could take your car to the community college. They have a program in automotive technology, and they fix student ’ s cars for less than a regular mechanic would charge.
W: But I ’ m not a student at the community college.
M: Check it out anyway. Maybe you don ’ t have to be student at that school. Just tell them you ’ re a student.
W: Well, maybe.
M: Another place you could try is the bulletin board in the Student Center. People sometimes advertise services like this. Maybe you can find a mechanic that ’ s not too expensive.
W: Hmm. Maybe. Thanks for the tips.
M: No problem. Good luck!
The students discuss two possible solutions to the woman ’ s problem. Describe the problem. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why?
Preparation Time: 20 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
甲方 trouble-maker
乙方 consultant
Woman: Car problem
Idea One: community college
But … expensive
Idea Two: Bulletin board in the Student Center
But …
My sense is that … 2 nd
Sample Answer:
The woman complained there’s something wrong with her car, but she’s got little money to have it repaired. So she’d love to ask the help of the man. There’re a couple of advices available. At first, he suggested she go to community college where they might have less expensive services. Secondly, he bet it’s a good idea to try their luck on Bulletin Board in Student Center.
According to my sense, he should go to Student Center where she could try some advertisements or want some services. Actually I have tried the way and made my phone fixed without a lot of pay.
Listening Script :
Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor.
M: Professor Fisher, I ’ m not going to be in class on Monday, so I ’ ll miss the test. I was wondering if I could make it up later.
W: Well, you know my policy is not to give make-up test. If you miss one test, then you can try to earn extra points on the other tests. But … haven ’ t you already missed a test?
M: Um … yeah, I missed one a few weeks ago.
W: then try not to miss this test, and try to do well on it too. Your test scores so far have not been strong. You could be in danger of not receiving credit for the course.
M: Do you mean I might fail?
W: At this point, you need to do something to raise your grade. Why don ’ t you get a tutor to help you, or get a classmate to be your study partner?
M: Well, I guess I could. But, to tell you the truth, I don ’ t have the extra time for a tutor or a study partner.
W: Then, in that case, you need to think about whether or not you should stay enrolled in this course. If you ’ re too busy to study and come to class, you should consider dropping it.
Describe the man ’ s situation and the suggestions his professor makes about what he should do. What do you think the man should do, and why?
Preparation Time: 20 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
甲方 trouble-maker
乙方 consultant
Man : will miss the test
Wo man
Idea One: get a tutor or study partner
But … busy
Idea Two: drop it
But …
My sense is that … Going on
Sample Answer:
From the talk, I learn the man would miss the test, so he wished to have a make-up test. But unfortunately the professor didn’t think that he should have it. As to whether he should do so, professor bet it’s a best way for him to find a tutor or a classmate as study partner. Otherwise, he should drop it if he was busy with work.
Actually, what suggestion I wanna make is the man should attend the test instead of something else, because he should be responsible for what class he had had it. Moreover, as a student, study is all - important for a student.
一、 介绍
l 考生将首先听到历时90到120秒,大约在 230 到280字的一段听力内容。内容是解释一个概念或术语,以及用事实来说明它。
l 在口语部分,要求考生总结提到的内容,并具体说明例子是如何与主题相关联的。
二、 听力重点及技巧展示
第一、 General -> Specific 从概括到具体(观点句 + 实例)
第二、 Contrast 对比(常用来表现真正的观点)
第三、 Cause -> Effect 前因与后果(原因 + 结果)
举例子:For example, … ; For instance, … ; To prove it, … ; A case show …
表转折:but, … ; However, … ; Nevertheless, … ; Nonetheless, …
表原因:because, since, for, as, thanks to, due to, owing to, on accounts of
表结果:So, … ; so that, … ; As a result, … ; Therefore, … ; Thereby, … , Consequently
Now listen to part of a talk in a United States history class.
Because the United States is such a large country, it took time for a common national culture to emerge. A hundred years ago there was very little communication among the different regions of the United States. One result of this lack of communication was that people around the United States had very little in common with one another. People in different parts of the country spoke differently, dressed differently, and behaved differently. But connections among Americans began to increase, thanks to two technological innovations: the automobile and the radio.
Now automobiles began to be mass-produced in the 1920s, which meant they became less expensive and more widely available. Americans in small towns and rural communities now had the ability to travel easily to nearby cities. They could even take vacations to other parts of the country. The increased mobility that automobiles provided changed people ’ s attitudes and created links that hadn ’ t existed before. For example, people in small towns began to adopt behaviors, clothes, and speech that were popular in big cities or in other parts of the country.
As more Americans were purchasing cars, radio ownership was also increasing dramatically . Americans in different regions of the country began to listen to the same popular radio programs and the same musical artists. People repeated things they heard on the radio; some phrases and speech patterns they heard in songs and on radio programs began to be used by people all over the United States. People also listened to news reports on the radio. So they heard the same news throughout the country, whereas in newspapers much of the news tended to be local. So radio brought Americans together by offering them shared experiences and information about events all around the country.
Using points and examples from the talk, explain how the automobile and the radio contributed to a common culture in the United States.
Preparation Time: 20 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
第一、 第一句话向来是了解谈话主题的重点。通过because的因果句,我判断 “common national culture ” 是重要内容。
第二、 在谈话中的but也是关键。听到它往往就说明了说话人的观点或倾向,因此在听完后,我判断内容将会是automobiles和radios与common national culture的关系。因此,下面的内容将会是具体说明的部分。
第三、 后面我又听到了关于travel,以及For example,这样明显的标志词。因此,我认为人们对于很多事物的适应程度将会是说明autos的很好例子。
第四、 之后大量谈到listen to reports和share experience and information,故这是对于radios作用的具体描述。
第五、 这些内容形成了下面的笔记:
Topic主题: a common USA culture
Point 1: (Cause) Radio & Automobiles
Example 1: people can go to nearby city easily and adapt clothes etc.
Example 2: people listen to same news and enjoy same experiences and information
Point2: (Effect) None
以上内容是听力单元结束后的笔记, 作为口语表达的基本素材。
三、 口语重点语言及表达方式
第一、 叙述问题
In the talk, the professor was introducing how the autos and radios did something great to a common culture in the United States. As he had said, there didn ’ t use to be it in USA long time ago. As autos and radios were invented, the common culture was being.
第二、 讨论关键点及实例
Well, first of all Let ’ s say something about autos. It ’ s quite clear that using autos, people could go to nearby city easily and change their attitude and lifestyle to some extend, so that they began to adapt same clothes and things like that.
Apart from it, radios have played a very important role in the case. By it, people in different regions could listen to same news and enjoy same experiences and information , so that they had had the same views or things like that.
第三、 总结
Generally speaking, autos and radios have made a huge influence on the culture in USA. They helped with the being of a common culture.
Listening Script :
Listen to part of a talk in a hotel management class.
Hotel mangers are responsible for the overall operation of their establishment. They see that guests receive good service so they will come back to that hotel. Managers are also in charge of finances and see that the hotel earns a profit without sacrificing service.
The top executive in a hotel is the general manager. In a small hotel the general manager may also be the owner. In large establishments with many facilities, the general manager directs the work of department managers such as executive housekeepers, personnel managers, and food and beverage managers. General managers need to be skilled in areas of leadership and financial decision-making . They must be able to judge when to make budget cuts and when to spend money for advertising or remodeling in order to earn profit in the future.
Another type of manager is the controller. Hotel controllers usually work in large hotels, where they are responsible for the management of money. They manage the accounting and payroll departments and find ways to improve efficiency. The controller is an expert at interpreting financial statement, so the general manager and other top managers in the hotel consult with the controller on all financial matters.
Large hotels rely heavily on advertising and public relations to sell their services. Such hotels have sales managers to market the services of the hotel. Sales managers have constant contact with customers and know that selling points appeal to the public. Sales managers need courses in business, marketing, and advertising in addition to hotel management.
Using points and examples from the talk, describe the duties of different types of managers in large hotels.
Preparation Time: 20 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Topic主题: hotel managers
Point 1: General Manager (direct others ; judge financial problem)
Point 2: Controller (general manger, other managers consult with the controller on financial matters)
Point 3: Sales manager (market the services of the hotel ; need course in business hotel management)
Sample Answer:
Apparently, the professor was introducing the concept of hotel managers in a hotel management class. It ’ s quite clear that there ’ re three kinds of managers mentioned including general manager, controller and sale manager.
First of all, general managers are responsible for overall operation of a hotel. He can direct other departmental managers and judge some financial problems to help with the profits of a hotel. Secondly, a controller is the kind of manager whom general manager and others can consult with on financial matters. Last but not least, sales manager can market the services of the hotel and need courses.
Overall, the duties vary from manager to manager in a large hotel.
Listening Script :
Listen to part of a lecture in a meteorology class. The professor is discussing climate.
Several features on the earth ’ s surface influence climate. Two of these features are ocean currents and landforms.
Ocean currents are formed when the earth ’ s rotation and prevailing winds work together. The prevailing winds push the ocean waters westward in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans until these waters bounce off the nearest continent. This causes two large, circular ocean currents, one in each hemisphere. The current in the Northern Hemisphere turns clockwise, and the one in the Southern Hemisphere turns counterclockwise. These currents move warm water from the equator to the north and south.
Warm and cold currents in the world ’ s ocean affect the climates of nearby coastal areas. For example, the warm Gulf Stream in the Atlantic Ocean warms the coast of northwestern Europe. Without the Gulf Stream, the climate of northwestern Europe would be more like that of the cold sub-Arctic.
Landforms such as mountains also affect climate. Because of their higher elevation, mountains tend to be cooler, windier, and wetter than valleys. For example, even though Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa ’ s highest peak, stands near the equator, its summit is always covered with snow. Another thing mountains do is interrupt the flow of winds and storms. When moist winds blow from the ocean toward land, then hit a mountain range, the moist air becomes cooler as it ’ s forced to rise. This causes the air to lose its moisture as rain and snow on mountain slopes that face the wind. The air on the other side of the mountain will be warmer and drier.
Using points and examples from the lecture, explain how two features of the earth ’ s surface influence climate.
Preparation Time: 20 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Topic主题: ocean currents & landforms influence climate
Point 1: Warm and cold currents affect the climates of nearby coastal areas.
Example 1: Gulf Stream in the Atlantic Oceans warms the coast of northwestern Europe.
Point 2: Landforms such as mountain also affect climate.
Example 2: As elevation is higher, it ’ s getting cooler; another thing mountain do is interrupt the flow of winds and storms.
Sample Answer:
What I ’ ve heard is the professor was talking about how two features of the earth surface influence climate. There ’ re a couple of features mentioned. What I mean is both currents and landforms. First of all, warm and cold currents can affect the climates of nearby coastal areas. To prove it, the professor said Gulf Stream in Atlantic Ocean warms the coast of northwestern Europe. Second of all, Landform such as mountain also affect climate. As elevation is higher, it ’ s getting cooler. Besides mountain can interrupt the flow of winds and storms. Generally speaking, both influence the climate heavily.
Listening Script :
Listen to part of a talk in a cultural history class. The professor is discussing traditional beliefs about trees.
Throughout the world, there is an extensive mythology about trees. For example, the concept of a great cosmic tree – a Tree of the World – appears in numerous traditions. We find the Tree of the World in Norse mythology. The Norse people, the ancestors of present-day Scandinavians, honored the ash tree as the cosmic tree because it was much larger in size than all other trees in northern Europe. In southeastern Canada, the Algonquin people also believed that the ash was the cosmic tree. According to their tradition, the world ’ s first human beings came from the ash tree.
The Europeans who settled in North America also had special beliefs about trees. One belief is that by carrying the seeds of the buckeye tree in their pockets, people would avoid getting a disease of the bones. Another tradition is the water dowser – a person who is said to have the ability to find water underground by using a branch from the hazel tree. I have a personal story about water dowsers because my uncle used one for digging a well on this land. My uncle hired this old man – a dowser – to help him locate the best spot to put the well, and the guy used a hazel branch to do it! He walked back and forth across the property until the branch signaled where the water was. So, you can see that some people still hold this tradition.
So why have trees been so respected in world mythology? For one thing, people have always depended on trees for many of life ’ s necessities: food, oils, building materials, medicines, spices, and dyes. So it ’ s really no wonder that trees are thought of as special … and why there are so many traditions about trees?
Using points and examples from the talk, describe traditional beliefs about trees, and explain why people have thought of threes as special.
Preparation Time: 20 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Topic主题: tree beliefs
Point 1: ash tree – the tree of the world because larger & humans coming from the tree
Point 2: avoid disease when taking seed of trees or to find water underground
Cause原因: 1. depend on trees for necessities, food etc.
Sample Answer:
Well, the professor was talking about different traditional beliefs about trees and explaining why people have thought of trees as special.
There ’ re numerous beliefs about trees. For example, some people think on ash trees as the tree of the world, because they ’ re larger than others or viewed as something humans come from. Besides, some people insisted that it ’ s a good way to avoid disease or find water when they carried buckeye tree in their pocket.
The reason why people believed trees as special is that they have depended on trees for necessities such as food or materials. Overall, trees played a so important role in people ’ s survival and growth.
Listening Script :
Listen to part of a talk in a biology class. The professor is discussing animal life in water and on land.
Animal life began in water. When some animals moved from water to land, it was a dramatic event in animal evolution because land is an environment that is very different from water. There were several important physical differences that animals had to adapt to.
The first difference between water and land is the oxygen content. Oxygen is at least 20 times more abundant in air than in water , and it spreads much more quickly through air than through water. Consequently, land animals can get oxygen much more easily than water animals can – that is, once land animals evolved the appropriate organs, such as lungs.
A second difference is in the density of water and air. Air is much less dense than water, and because of this, air provides less support against gravity than water does. This means that land animals had to develop strong legs to support themselves. They also needed a stronger skeleton with better structural support – a skeleton and bones designed for standing and moving in air rather than in water.
And a third difference between life in water and on land is, on land, the temperature of the air changes more easily than it does in water. This means that land environments experience severe and sometimes unpredictable cycles of freezing, thawing, drying and flooding. Therefore, land animals need to protect themselves from temperature extremes. Land animals had to develop behavioral and physiological strategies to survive in warm and cold temperatures. And one important strategy is being able to maintain a constant body temperature – a physiological strategy that birds and mammals possess.
Using points and details from the talk, describe the physical differences that animals had to adapt to when they moved from water to land.
Preparation Time: 20 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Topic主题: animal life in water and on land
Point 1: 1 st - oxygen content (air has got more oxygen, so that lungs exist)
Point 2: 2 nd - density of water and air (Air density is less, so that animals need strong skeleton and leg to support their bodies)
Point 3: 3 rd - temperature change (air has greater change in temperature, so that birds or mammals are able to maintain a constant body temperature)
Sample Answer:
It ’ s clear that the professor was discussing the difference of animal life in water and on land. There ’ re 3 points mentioned, actually.
First of all, the oxygen content was so different. Air has got more than water did. That ’ s why when animals move to land, they gotta have some organs to adapt to the change. Second of all, density of water and air was another. You know, air wa s less than water, so animals on land needed to have stronger legs or skeleton. At last, animals on land were forced to face the greater change of temperature, so birds or mammals were able to maintain a constant body temperature. Overall, the difference ’ s huge.
Listening Script :
Listen to part of a lecture in an architecture class.
In the late nineteenth century, New York ’ s early “ skyscrapers ” were steel-framed stone buildings that were only eight or nine stories all. Then, in 1902, the city got its first true skyscraper – that is, an office tower that stood apart, forever free on all sides.
The Flatiron Building is twenty -two stories tall. It has a steel frame that ’ s covered on the outside with stone. The first three stories give a sense of heaviness to the lower part of the building. The next thirteen stories have windows grouped in pairs, with carved geometric patterns between them. T he top stories are even more decorated with columns and arches, and the top is a heavy crown of carved stone.
The Flatiron Building is different from most other skyscrapers because of the shape of the site it ’ s built on. The irregular, triangle -shaped site was the result of three streets coming together. Because the site is surrounded by streets, the Flatiron Building will always stand alone, separate from other buildings on all three sides.
The building ’ s name – actually its nickname – was a joke about its flatiron shape. At that time, electric irons hadn ’ t been invented, so clothing was pressed with a flatiron, a heavy triangle-shaped piece of iron that was heated on top of a stove. People joked that the building looked like a flatiron, and the name stuck.
Because the Flatiron Building was so narrow, a famous photographer said it looked like the front end of a huge steamship. We can honestly say that this bold design, this strange, tall, thin building, changed the design of the office building forever.
Using points and details from the lecture describe the Flatiron Building and explain how it got its name.
Preparation Time: 20 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Topic主题: A kind of building named “ Flatiron ”
Point 1: 22 stories, It ’ s got a steel frame covered on the outside with stones. Tall, thin
Point 2: The unique feature is its shape different from others. Irregular, triangle-shaped site, because of being surround by streets. Stand alone, being apart from others.
Point 3: Name about jokes. Its shape is like an iron at that time.
Sample Answer:
The professor let us know a kind of interesting building named “ Flatiron ” in the architecture class. There ’ re a couple of points mentioned mainly.
First of all, it ’ s about its appearance. There ’ re 22 storied supported by steel and covered on the outside with stones. It looked so tall and thin. It ’ s so different because its shape is unlike to others at that time. It ’ s shaped like triangle and irregular. The main cause is that the building was surrounded by several streets and stood alone, being apart from other building.
Secondly, its name was from a joke about flatiron shape. It ’ s quite like the iron at that time.
